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Saturday, April 24, 2004

I'm definately sick.

We went out a bit today with our friend Rand to run some errands. I got home and literally fell down. It was sit my ass on the floor by choice or drop to the ground anyway. I chose the former. I laid down for a couple hours of fitfull, fevered dozing. Got up, ate something felt a smidge better (the smidge being that I didn't feel so ready to pass out.). We all watched Timeline on dvd which I liked but the dialoge was damned weird. (It had the feeling like they were improvising it.) I think I'm interested in reading the book now though because it was a cool story/idea and you know books are always better then their movie counterparts. (It'd also make a great, cheap b-day gift. Used copies are selling on amazon for as little as a penny. I don't mind a used book so long as it doesn't smell - especially of mold or cigarettes. Just saying.) At the very least, I'm curious to see what the story was in it's original form.

My Love has his company's damned conference this week off at a hotel so it means I'll be seeing very little of him starting tomorrow. Early mornings and late nights. It's where all the clients come in, get training and an excuse to drink on the beach in Florida on the company's dime. I hate it. And it's annual, so he's doing it for a week each year. He's got to go over there tomorrow afternoon - taking our Sunday away from us - because they're starting classes tomorrow rather then Monday. (Since he's the in-house MIS manager, all the pc's for the training and the equiptment are up to him to have ready, all software installed, configured and whatever else they need are his responsibility.) Have I mentioned just how much I hate the damned thing? It's such bullshit too because they expect him to be on-call like 24/7 but don't pay him anymore then 8 hours a day - even when he's there at 7am and home at 8pm. Fucking pisses me off. Not like he likes it any better but still.


Bad enough I don't get a full weekend with him and that I won't have any time with him this week, but I've got a damned cold from who knows where and so I'm miserable today and we couldn't even do anything. Bah.

Anyway, I'm cranky because I'm running a fever again and my head's starting to hurt. I better close. Hope everyone's feeling better then I am and are enjoying their weekend.

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