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Sunday, April 11, 2004

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
hopping down the bunny trail
easter's on it's way!

Ok, so back from family number one, still have to go to family number 2. *sighs* I hate holidays for this very reason. The whole get up, drive in one direction for 45 minutes, hang out then come home only to go back out and drive 45 minutes in the other direction. Plus, ugh, easter. Not really my favorite of the family-obligation holidays. Though, I have to say, I did get a TON of candy and a couple cool things.

the adorable bunny "Patches" from Godiva

a PEEP MAKER. Yes, make your very own Peeps!

My Love got me Patches (and a basket of candy including a big, chocolate Pooh Bear!) and my friend Rand got me the too cool Peep Maker (and another basket of candy). I now have enough candy to put myself into sugar convulstions. ;)

Alrighty, well, more family stuff to take care of so I better meander. Have a good one all.

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