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Monday, April 26, 2004

The Cold: Day Four
Still sick. Was able to better sleep last night though which is good. My nose has let up a little bit, but I'm in that stage of the cold where my ears are killing me. They're clogged and thick with pressure and ringing and the audio equivalent of seeing stars. I'm off-balance and dizzy from it and it stems from blowing my nose for three four days straight. The pressure in my head's all fucked up from it. I abhor this part of the cold because I can't stand when my ears are even more screwed up then normal. (I always have pressure issues. It's why I don't fly; I don't pressurize to the plane so I get hella nauseous.) I think I was running a fever again this morning but I took a shower and some ibuprofen and I think it's broken. It's weird though how feverish I've been this cold. I'm not normally so temperature challenged. I am really hungry today though so that's probably a good thing (though my Love's got the car and there's no food in the house so at the moment, I'm just starving.) I'm also running out of tissues. Dammit.

Wanna Play Questions?
Was nosing around amazon (been sitting on the couch all morning, thought I'd change scenery for a few) and for whatever reason I thought about an old movie I hadn't seen in years and wondered if it was on dvd yet. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Great damned movie. Excellent. And one of the reviews was so funny, I had to share it.
there are four criteria that need to be met for a person to like this movie. i have listed them below, in the form of easy-to-answer questions, so as to expedite the process of determining if you are, in fact, one of us:

1) are you breathing?
2) have you ever in the past read a book?
3) did you like it?
4) do you like those moving picture things that people sometimes call 'films'?

if you answered 'yes' to each of the above four questions, there's a 95.3% chance you'll refer to this movie as "inspired genius" after watching it. we've done the clinical testing, we've crunched the numbers. just believe us already.

hee hee Yeah, I think that sums it up. What SUCKS is that it IS available over in the UK! Damn them! Why haven't they released it here?? What I understand of it is that it's not actually region-coded so there's a good chance of getting to play on either a dvd-rom (which my Love has in his pc) or picking up any number of dvd players these days that aren't region-set to watch it. It would run about $28ish USD to get it but oh.....that'd be worth it for me. Anyone overseas want to pick up a copy for me and send it my way? Hell, people are selling it for about $17ish USD through the amazon marketplace. Grrr. Why is it not out here? I'm more then willing to try to find a damned way to get it to play on this side of the pond, I just need a copy. Bah.

Alright, I'm going to scrounge for something to eat. Preferably something without milk in it since I don't need to add to the phlegm situation. Ew.

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