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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Wheezy gets no love. He's such a cute little thing too. I have a little mini Wheezy plush that I got at WDW (he squeaks when you squeeze him) and he sits proudly next to my cute little clay penguins. He has a poster in the waiting area of Philharmagic in the Magic Kingdom (advertising his performance is "in it's final squeak!"). And he was the little penguin that could in Toy Story 2. Yet, he doesn't have a Disney Pin - his co-stars, Mr & Mrs Potato Head, Rex the Dinosaur, Hamm the Piggy Bank, Slink the Spring Dog all have pins - just a very hard to find button. And he gets no respect. He's been relegated to the dusty shelf with his broken squeaker.

But he apparently has a mini snowglobe that was put out by the Disney Store. Darnit. I wish I'd known. I'd have ordered it. I really think he's cute. I like the underdog; the small, secondary characters and I felt bad for the poor little penguin who nobody wanted to play with. Makes me sad. So I'm now on the lookout to get one of the snowglobes. In fact, I'm on the lookout for whatever few little Wheezy items there may be. Its a new thing to collect. There's not much that I know of, but he's just so cute, he deserves someone to like and collect his stuff. Silly to be sure, but I get emotional about small, unwanted little characters sometimes. Guess I just feel like every toy needs a home. And I want to open my home to more Wheezy items. Anyone know of any other items to add to my brand spanking new list of things I want to get of his? So far, all I know about are:

- Wheezy 6" Squeak Plush from WDW (have it)
- Wheezy Promo CM Button for Toy Story 2 (want it)
- Wheezy Mini Snowglobe from Disney Store (want it)

It's my new quest. *chuckles* Who could resist such a cute face?

sing it Wheezy, sing it!

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