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Friday, March 05, 2004


And no, I don't mean uptight white conservatives, I mean nasty, stinging, aggressive bugs. Mika started going bonkers. Wanted to get to the window. (master bedroom, right behind my bed) I didn't know why. I assumed she just wanted to look out. Sometimes she's like that. So I pulled back the blanket we use to help block out the light and pulled up the blinds. Few minutes later I hear something and she's freaking out. Turns out there's a wasp stuck on the inside of the liner we have behind the blinds. I squish it through the paper and kill it. I notice they're utterly swarming outside my window. They're everywhere. Ew....I go back to the computer, passing the one off as a fluke. Not ten minutes later it happens again. This time after I squish it, I call the office and tell them to get over here right away.

Maintenence comes and ends up caulking three holes along the window. (yeah, nice hu?) The exterminator is on his way back to the property to take out the hive itself that's outside the window since it's huge.

All I know is I'm freaked out over the thought that two wasps came in as it was and that my bed is right against the window. I can't even imagine how horrible it could have been, sleeping and getting stung by the hoard outside. Wasps coming in through closed windows and getting you as you lay in bed. It's the start to a horror movie if ever I've heard one.


So now my bedroom stinks of caulk and bug killer. And I've got the heebie-jeebies from thinking about those bugs getting in. I had to write about it though or else it'd sit on my mind and gnaw at me. Better to let it out. Thank goodness for my hyper active cat and her notice that something was moving around by the window. Just another reason why having a kitty around is helpful.

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