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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Me, My Love and my friend Rand went over to my friend Jef's apartment tonight. He had some other people over for dinner and another friend and her boyfriend came by. We also got to meet Jef's new girlfriend for the first time. She seemed really nice and very interested in getting to know his friends. We played some video games - Soul Caliber, Hockey, Eye Toy, etc. - but we had to head out since Rand wanted to get home and we've got to get up early tomorrow. Finally going to hit the Ren Faire. Hope it's cool. Worried about how far away it is and such since they moved it this year for the first time after twenty four years. It's way further away and it's really inconvientely located but we always go a couple times a year so hopefully it will still be cool.

Beyond that, it's Spring! (yeah, the spring layout didn't give that away did it?) I love the changing of the seasons. They're very special days to me. Spring is the time when the world reawakens from it's winter slumber. The world is reborn; new and pure once again. It's just a very amazing process to me and I consider the four season changes to be holy days for me.

Well, need to clean up and get ready for bed. Early day - and busy day! - tomorrow (well, today technically) so perhaps a post later in the evening to sum up if I get a chance. Take care everyone.

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