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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Lorena was talking about spring in bloom and that beautiful shade of green that's unique to the trees and plants this time of year. Outside my balcony, we have a very large sourthern oak tree. It's leaves right now are that distinctive shade; bright, vibrant and almost electric green. They'll darken as summer comes around but for the moment, they're such a beautiful shade. So, I was inspired to snag a picture. It's small size and compression don't do it justice, but it is, at least a hint of that beautiful spring green.

It's such a beautiful color. The color of new life and new beginnings. It's one of the reasons I cherish the season changes so deeply and hold them as sacred days. Each brings about a reminder of the ever-changing and yet ever-consistant wheel of the year; of the circle of life, death and rebirth.

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