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Friday, March 26, 2004

Is it 1pm yet? Bah. Who knew four hours could feel so long? Ah well, I could having been here and done this before. I am so tired. I think I'm going to go home and doze a bit after I get off work. Man, that alarm goes off and it's like, what?! Impossible! I just got to sleep ten minutes ago! It really felt like that too. Bah. Another night of the not-quite-asleep-but-not-quite-awake thing (which is totally unrefreshing to say the least). Getting massive glare from the Hummer in the parking spot directly in front of the door. (It's the owners.) I've propped up a mail bin on the counter to block it. The florescent lighting's bad enough, I don't need glare and after-images burnt into my retinas. (Because I'm sure it'd be great for my cataracts. *grumbles*)

I really did forget how slow time can pass when you're bored senseless though. At least at home, on the couch, I'm comfy and can a) doze if I feel like it and b) watch tv to pass the time. Music really helps time pass too, but there's no speakers on this computer. I need an mp3 player. *chuckles*

random tangent thought: why is it that my glasses get so unbelievably filthy all the time? is this gunk normally what goes into people's eyes that don't wear glasses? Because they're always covered with layers of dust. it's really gross if you think about it.

I wonder if this computer has a sound card. Then I could just find some cheap speakers and bring 'em in and then have some music. I bet my Love has an old pair laying around somewhere....If I had a little radio or something that would work too, but the only one I have is my alarm clock and I kind of need that at home. Would be a big pain to have to take in back-and-forth everyday. I brought in my spare ergonomic keyboard but, like last time, I'll just leave it here until my assignment with them is up. It's just such a must for my poor fingers and wrists.

random tangent thought: one hour to go!

Someone was asking about what blog software I use. Honestly, I'm lazy. I just use blogger. I kept meaning to get around to installing MT but so many things just frightened me - including the like 50 pages of instruction manual. So I never did. Works well enough and there's been a lot more stability since google bought blogger. Plus you can upload files directly from the entry screen now so that's nice. Great for pics. The only real problem is a lack of comment system. For the moment I'm using the haloscan free one though I'd like to get one that's installed so I can save my comments. I know MT has it built in, but again, afraid of MT. And it was actually a good thing apparently that I didn't have it. MAJOR problems when the host changed servers - one of the many times - because people lost the ability to access their databases. Pretty much permanently. I'd have been so pissed. As it is, I'm beyond pissed I can't get them to get back with me for the login information for my Love's artist site. We've not been able to check the email or anything in about six weeks. I've decided I'm just going to stop paying them. Because the other thing they're not responding to is two payments they failed to apply back like Feb 6th. I want to actually move off them - I'm so disgusted at this point - but I need a few bucks for the move (4 domains all at once in new service hosting isn't cheap), I want to access the email for that domain before I do and I'd like to see how long I can go by not responding to them like they are to me. Fuck 'em. I'm so done. And I'm over being nice about it.

Um....well, I'm really babbling. So I think I'll close for now and post this mess of an entry. So ready to go home. Thank goodness it's Friday.

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