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Thursday, March 25, 2004

I'm just not feeling right for some reason. Like I'm very uncomfortable as if I forgot something very important, or something is very wrong somewhere. It's weird and I can't shake this feeling. It's been steadily getting worse as the evening wears on. Something just feels wrong or off in some way I can't verbalize. It's not logical and it's not physical though it's making me have a physical reaction; I'm tense and I'm on edge and I just....don't feel right. I hate things like this. I never seem to find out what triggers it and yet the feeling can last for several days sometimes. After not being able to sleep last night, I can only hope it doesn't keep me from doing so again tonight. Because right now, I feel so on edge and so, just bothered that I can't imagine being able to relax. What's wrong with the world right now? Or what's changed? Or what did I forget (perhaps I didn't even know but needed to)? Bah...

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