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Saturday, March 13, 2004

I am so all over the scale tonight. Neck's been really bothering me tonight (it's permantly out of whack and hurts all the times; some more so then others; some so bad it can trigger a migraine. chiropracters have been baffled and helpless to fix it; have suggested things like acupuncture but that sort of scares me a bit plus I don't have the money for it. would also love to try some reiki massage, but again...money.) ........anyway and has been leading to a background headache all day. Had problems with dinner tonight which lead to throwing away food - twice - and then needing to go buy more - which I don't really have the money to be spending since we're broke. Made me cry. Over ruined dinner (twice). All day, an emotional rollarcoaster. I've just been so sad and morbid. Thinking about how pointless my life is and how easily I could just vanish and leave very little mark behind. I think of how many things I want to do or to see or to be and how none of them will ever happen. So it's like what's the point? I don't know where this has all come from either. I was in such good spirits the other night when I went to the beach. Today though has just been hell.


One of those days that just drag you down for no real reason other then to see you fall.

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