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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Heading to bed. Much later then I had wanted to. But, that's how things go I suppose. Got caught up in reading about old rides and attractions at Walt Disney World. Kinda took me on a tour of memory lane. The first time I was ever there was back in 1984 I believe. I was eight. We had gone on vacation - had three day passes (when, ironically enough, there were only two parks in those days). It was not long before we moved here. We came down for an extended stay to scout the area. I don't remember the generals but I found myself recalling a very few, very specific ride attributes. Now I really need to call my mom and have her break out the photo albums to see if she got shots of anything interesting that doesn't exist anymore or that's been changed since.

Anyway, I'm rambling. And waking my poor Love up who already went to bed. Just nervous I guess about going back in. Keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong or that might suck or whatever. Of course, the first thing that will suck is getting up early to take my Love into work before I need to get myself in. Though I'm bribing myself with the thought of having enough time to come home and take a nap if I really want to before heading out again to pick up my Love after he gets off work. Doubt I actually will, but just knowing that I could is enough to make me just a smidge more at ease. Ugh, I hate forced schedules. And florescent lighting. Wish me luck.

Putting my nervous butt in bed. Night.

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