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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Dammit. The last time one of these came up I missed it just barely. They're really rare and it figures that another one would show up right when I have zero cash to even try to bid on it. It's of course rare and hard to find and the one I happen to like most of the Beauty and the Beast Rose pins.

yes, my name is M and I'm a Disney Pin Collector...

*grumbles* One more thing to ruin my already poor mood. Bah.

Spent hours today writing a new article for my Embracing Mystery site. Though I'm kind of gun-shy about it and nervous since it's personal, pretty rambling and no one but me's read it yet. Oh well. Wanted to do it and so I did. Though my poor fingers are miserable from it.

Finally caught up on most of the topics - even replied to some! - on the EM forum. I had really gotten to slacking about that, so I feel a bit better about that.

I apparently can not type for my life right now. I can't tell you how many very angry backspaces I've had to hit in this tiny entry. That's it! I'm going to bed. The nights have been hard on me lately as it is, last thing I need is to be pissed off at my typing on top of it.

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