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Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Bored. Stomach hurts. Grumpy. Me in a nutshell. Thrilling, ain't it?

Mom broke her pc again. Though she claims she didn't do anything. Gave her a new hard drive. Everything worked. Within days it didn't. Ergo, she did something to it. Deleted something; tried to install something; got a virus - who knows. The possibilities are endless. Love hates being the free tech support guy. Doesn't enjoy doing it eight hours of the day when he's getting paid to do it. Likes it even less when it's my mom (or his mom or whomever) screwing things up and him being called on to keep fixing it. Because this also means we'll have to go up there - and sometime soon, she's always in a hurry to get it back - and spend an entire evening hooking it back up for her. She's bringing it by tomorrow. We're supposed to hang out.

I've got cramps. Don't think that's helping my mood. Feeling bitter at pretty much everything in general. Should go to bed but don't really feel like it. Should straighten up so when mom comes over she doesn't start cleaning. (Gods I hate that. No mom, I'm not anal retentively clean like you. Deal with it.) You'd think she'd be used to it by now. I have been living out of the house for almost ten years now.

Anyway. Bored. Stomach hurts. Grumpy.

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