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Thursday, February 19, 2004

Pointless Entry #2,689

First off, just for laughs...The Ten Worst Album Covers. Though I don't know what they're talking about. The Tino one is obviously sexy.



*wipes eyes*

In other news, I'm so flattered. Someone wants to buy one of my sculpy penguins and a duplicate of my Swarovski crystal bracelet. *giddy* Which reminds me of just how much I need to actually update my PhoenixFire Designs site. I have SO MUCH to show off and offer for sale and offer for design style and commission. But that's half the problem; it's so much it'll be a LOT of work to get it all set up. And I'm really frustrated with my prehistoric web design skills. Oh well. Needs doing though.

I have a few more things to rant and babble about - like some more commericals that get my goat - but, I've gotta run right now. I'll try to ramble about them later.

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