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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I am SO SICK of seeing my site but not being able to do anything about it. It's right. there. and it doesn't matter. So I keep checking to see if I'm resolving yet on the new servers - of course not, it's only been five days since this mess started and since I've been able to have an entry published which is viewable - and I keep seeing my damned pointless entry from Thursday night. I WANT TO UPDATE MY SITE DAMMIT!

Five fucking days between moving things, setting up new accounts, getting new server info, logins, passwords, permissions issues and then finally, name server changes. Which I now have to just wait...and wait...and wait for my ISP (and every other ISP out there) to realize, hey! it's changed!. *grumbles*

When oh when will you let me get into my site and DO things again??

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