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Friday, February 13, 2004

Do you ever find yourself reading a book and notice that it's language carries over into your own speech and writing? I'm reading a rather formally written book at the moment and find myself using archaic phrasings in my IM conversation. How silly is that?

On site news, my email is still shoddy. Things sent during the downtime are pretty much all lost. A few items have trickled in from a few servers who must have re-tried to send the messages, but that's a bare few. Messages sent even after my return don't seem to be making it with any regularity or accuracy, so don't count on it having reached me. Odds are it's not.

My host IS moving servers so there's some more transition time, though they're promising it will be smooth. Pending DNS issues - and of course, any technical errors in the swap - I might still be down for a period of time. Fear not, I shall return eventually.

Nose is still driving me bonkers. I'm feeling better though someone forgot to tell my nose that they were closing up shop. More Benedryl today in an effort to gain a few hours respite and some breathing time uninterrupted by sneezing and running.

A tangent...why is it that emails such as "view photos of singles in you area" or "drunken soccer moms for hire" get through and yet emails from people I'd actually read don't? *sighs*

My Love sold a drawing today. Things, though still bleak on the finances meter for another week, might not be so bad afterall for tomorrow. No gifts for each other and no gift have I for his birthday (<- see? that's what I mean about writing style!) but we might have enough for gas for a trip - just the two of us - to Disney for the day. Which would be nice. Though it is scheduled to rain in the later day/early evening. Oh well. Umbrellas are good for snuggling. ;)

Another tangent... Why is it that I only get hiccups when I've drunk my last sip of a beverage? It's like that last sip is what gives me the hiccups out of some unknown spite!

Yeah I'm a bit flighty right now in thoughts. Perhaps it the whole not having eaten yet paired with the cold medicine hitting my system. OooOOooOOoh. Feeling a bit woozy suddenly. This might be the cue to exit, stage right. Ta for now everyone.

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