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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The cold receeds slowly... Monday was the Day Of the Burning Throat - my throat was so sore I couldn't speak and it burned and ached like it had been scaled. Tuesday was the Day of the Running/Sneezing Nose - I couldn't stop sneezing and my nose ran and ran and ran....my throat went from fire to scratchy wool. But I did regain the use of my voice. Today, Wednesday, is the Day of the Clogged Ears and Dry Cough - from blowing my nose so much, my ears have gotten all out of whack. They clog up out of nowhere but then sometimes clog up when I blow my nose. It always happens and is one of the more annoying aspects of a cold for me. In addition, I've got a dry cough today; no fire and no wool, but it's dried out. My nose has slowed it's running and I can go two minutes between blowing it. (Which is good because it's also the Day of The Red Upper Lip whereby my nose and right under it is red, sore and cracked from yesterday's outpouring.) Everything is drying up now, my throat, my lips, my nose isn't so bad, but it's still not that fun of a day. I feel better but certainly not hale.

I did sleep last night thanks to some Benadryl which, despite being listed as "allergy" medication worked great on my sneezing/runny nose problem. In fact, I only woke up a hanful of times and made a point to sleep in two hours more then I needed just to get some extra rest and hopefully speed the healing. In addition, I've been taking echinacea every day to help out the immune system.

So....that's the update. Thrilling insight to the life of one cold-stricken M, eh?

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