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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Wow. It got chilly. All of a sudden, it's only 55F out there. This morning it was even colder (surprisingly so) while yesterday it was sunny and about 70F. The weather throws us for a loop around here. Sunny on one side of the street, pouring on the other; hot and humid one day, cold with gusty wind the next. C'est la vie.

Today the boss asked if I had any html knowledge. He was having a problem centering an image on the company's webpage. I fiddled with it a bit and I think I got it fixed. Go me. *grins*

Still looking for some comment script, though sheesh, not sure why I should since I've not gotten one comment since my guestbook went down and I stuck up the temp one. It works for me (I tested it; I'm the sole commentator!) so I assume it is working. *grumbles a bit about babbling to herself* (eh, no biggie really, I just miss feedback) I might just stick the guestbook back since it allows for private entries. Though I like comments to be paired with entries. Dilemas, dilemas.

This being my last week is still the talk of the office. *chuckles* I'm flattered. Everyone seems sad for me to go. I'll enjoy sleeping in and getting to roll over and snuggle back into my pillow when the alarm goes off at 7am, but I will miss it. It was pretty easy, everyone's (for the most part) pretty nice and it was a really good, low-stress situation for me to get back into the working world and overcome the challenges of my stomach and my migraines. (Despite four hours a day under the lights, I only had to miss one day due to migraine in two months and despite some close-call days, I only had one case where I needed to be home and deal with stomach issues - and that was because of a stomach flu. Yeah! That may sound sad, but I have a very delicate and tempromental system. That's excellent for me.) It was also good because I've been really good about getting up and going in whether I felt like it or not. (Overcoming my mental hestitations and the ever up-and-down depression has been the hardest, but I think I've come the furthest with it. It's done me good to get out and have some schedule and responsibility - even when I don't want to deal with it.) All-in-all I'm going to miss it and still, I feel better about myself coming out of it then when I went in. It feels like a success and that's so helpful for me.

I've been working on so many mail things lately mainly because of my free time here to write out letters, that I've got a stack to go out and no postage to send them. Oops. And, I'm dead broke until my Love gets paid Friday. (So broke, we're in that we've already scrounged all our change and now there's nothing left kind of broke.) So...hope everyone doesn't think too poorly of me for waiting for a week or two after the date I wrote the letters until when I can afford to send them. I should hope not, but I still feel bad when I sign up for a exchange and I'm late on my side not because I didn't remember, but because I don't have the $0.60 or whatever to send it. (makes me feel pretty shitty. but, when you don't have $0.60, you just don't have it.)

Hrm...alrighty. Well I think I've run out of things to say for now. I'll be heading home in about 25 minutes. (yeah! I'm starved - had a bowl of cerel for my only meal of the day yesterday. we'll see what I can scrounge today) So I guess I'll close. Ta for now.

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