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Wednesday, January 28, 2004


So, a couple weeks ago I got an email asking me if I was still looking for the three Changeling books to complete my collection. I said most definately and that I was interested in buying any of them. Well, he did one better. Today I got the Kithbook: Satyrs in the mail AND the Changeling Poster AND the Changeling promo book they made - three items I've been bidding on for months now but never getting! They're all in such beautiful, pristine condition too. Oh! So giddy!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My email's on the fritz right now or there'd be a personal note back in addition, but as soon as it's back up (we're updating my pc to WinXP tonight) there will be. I was just too excited though not to mention it here! That means all I need is Kithbook: Pooka and Land of Eight Million Dreams and I've got them all! Whoo hoo! I am SO going to tear into the Satyr book tonight. I can't wait! (You have to understand that I've loved Changeling since it came out in 1995 and I've been slowly but surely collecting all the books. There were problems finding them, or not having money when I did find them in addition to very tiny and limited print runs for the books to start with. So, being so close to having them all is just thrilling!)

Anyway, I may not be back until tomorrow - like I said, we're supposed to be bringing my second, much needed harddrive into play and installing XP on it to hopefully address some bugs, errors and lingering resource issues with my very outdated and much in need of repairing Win98SE install.

Whoo hoo! A very happy M signing out for now. :)

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