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Sunday, January 04, 2004

We have the seasonal pass to WDW because it's the cost of about three days admission and because we were able to upgrade our Play 4 Days Pass towards the balance for the seasonal. Anyway, the only thing different between a seasonal and a full anual is that with the seasonal you have some black-out dates. Two weeks at xmas you can't go for example. No biggie really, we were busy anyway. Saturday the 3rd was the last of the blackout dates so we really wanted to get back out there and had planned on going today. It's been about a month since we've been there now (went right after Thanksgiving) and we were looking forward to it. But, between me not being able to breathe and not being able to pick up my check on Friday, funds are really tight this weekend and we ended up deciding to go next Saturday instead. Bah though, I was really looking forward to getting back out there. I love WDW so much. And it just makes me feel better because it's such a change from the everday.

In the end though, I suppose it was a good thing that we didn't go. My friend Rand came over for a little bit today and he wanted to hit Best Buy, so we went with him. Doing nothing but standing around, looking at pc games and dvd's I was feeling extremely light-headed and the feeling of pressure on my chest and constriction in my lungs got much worse. So bad that I was afraid I was going to pass out a few times. I felt utterly winded just from trying to speak in normal conversation. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me... I checked the pollen count stuff on the weather channel website but it only says we're "moderate." Not like I've ever had this kind of weird allergic reaction before, but I'm running out of ideas what it could be. At this point, I'm worried that it's some kind of respiratory infection or something because I'm only doing three things: sneezing, coughing (dry) and feeling unable to breathe (throat feels tight; lungs feel lined with coarse fur or something). No runny nose, no itchy eyes, no other symptoms of being actually sick, and yet, I'm exhausted because I feel like I can't catch my breath and because my chest is so heavy.

I wonder if I should go to the doctor, but seeing as I don't have insurance, I'd hate to go and have him tell me to just take some allergy medication. But I've tried that and it's not helping. Nothing is. Hot tea; hot steam from showers; medication; etc. I don't know what to do anymore but it's really frustrating. I'm heading into my temp job tomorrow because I still haven't heard otherwise, but I'm worried about being able to function. If standing in a store made me feel like I was passing out, what will happen tomorrow?

This sucks.

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