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Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Justifying Rude Comments...

Someone on a group I belong to posted a very unfunny "joke" picture equating people with mental and physical disabilities as being stupid losers. I didn't find it funny. Neither did others. When we said as much, the original author - in his typical response - got huffy and made the most ignorant comment I'd ever seen.

> And don't forget...they were called retards in the past.

So I replied:

That doesn't make it right. People of African decent were called "niggers." Mexicans "wetbacks." People used to be allowed to own other people. Women used to be unable to vote.

Just because something USED to happen doesn't mean that it's ok or that it's justified. *MOST* people get that and have grown up and have a modicum of respect for others - or at least pretend to in front of others.

Once again, calling someone stupid is one thing; linking being stupid to someone with a disability is another. One should hope that the difference would be clear to any who call themselves adults.

Is this really that hard to understand? I mean there's being overly PC and then there's just common, human decency - which I'm beginning to think doesn't exist anywhere anymore. I don't know. It just really rubbed me the wrong way.

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