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Friday, January 02, 2004

I have more of a post to do later, but I had to share how absolutely hysterical this portion of a letter is. See, I had a bunch of credit cards when I was 18. I was stupid (aren't we all at that age?) and ended up charging more then I could pay, plus I had health issues, was out of work and all that jazz. Typical story. So anyway, about six years ago now, I stopped paying on several of the cards. One of them was a JCPenny one. There's only like $200 or so I owe them, but at this point, it will be falling off later this year. If I pay it now, then it will show up for another seven because the date will change to now. So I'm just letting it go away.

Well, the collection companies know this. So they try to send you letters acting like your friend and try to get you to pay them. This one though takes the cake:

Don't let this opprotunity pass you by. Imagine the relief you will feel after taking the first step to resolve this matter

Relief? MWAHAHAHAHA! I've never felt much in any way towards it and I've certainly never thought to myself, oh, self, if only I could feel relief after taking the first step towards resolving the matter with JCPenny!


Oh me oh my, what a laugh. These people will stoop to every, dirty, nasty low. Cracks me up.

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