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Monday, January 19, 2004

Few quick updates....

Apparently, this is the last week of my temp job. I was notified today that they're bringing in someone full time starting next Monday. The boss was very adamant about keeping me in their payroll system so that I could fill in or help out as needed though in the future (and/or if it doesn't work out with their new person). I knew going in it was temp, but darnit, it was easy and the extra money really helps. I guess I'll have to start looking around for something else part time. I did feel good though that the two mortgage people thought it was a) stupid for them to bring on someone full time since they're still D-E-A-D slow and b) a waste since they like me, know me, and didn't want me to leave. Made me feel better. *sighs* That extra cash was REALLY helpful so now I really need to find something to replace it. Doubt I can find such an easy gig though. I do have one more check coming my way so that's good, but darn!

All day, I've been unable to access my own sites. After extensive discussion with my webhost it seems that RoadRunner fudged up their DNS info. So, despite the fact that my domains were moved to the new server like two weeks ago and have been working fine ever since, they just up and STOPPED working today. I couldn't access them at all. Thankfully, in mid-sentence of compossing an email to the tech support telling them to update their DNS info, they blinked back on. *poof* Suddenly after like ten hours my domains existed again. They better stick around now.

Came home and tried to sleep. Laid there for a couple hours, dozing on-and-off but my ghetto complex kept waking me up with car radios blarring, cars squeeling tires, people yelling, laughing REALLY loudly, or otherwise just talking like they had gone deaf, the maintenence draining some water problem from the building next to me, the pumps going, stomping up and down the stairs, etc. What do these people all do? 2pm on a Monday and they're noisey as hell. Grr. So I didn't get much rest but I finally had to give up.

My Love and I finally - yeah I know the date - took our xmas tree down. We've been meaning to for like two weekends now but just keep not getting to it. The living room's all cleaned up and looks way bigger again. I always miss the tree though - it provides the BEST lighting. After like two hours of putting the living room back to normal, I'm even more beat. But when I saw that the domains resolved again for me, I wanted to pop off a quick note.

I'm going to mosey. Four more days and so this week, I still need sleep. Tonight even more then normal. Ta for now.

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