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Monday, January 26, 2004

After sleeping about 13 or 14 hours on Saturday (including the several combined hours that I passed out on the couch - I just couldn't stay awake!), I felt a little better on Sunday. Still not well enough to run to Disney World, but definately not like I had been run over by a Mack truck repeatedly. So we went and saw Big Fish. It was really great. I enjoyed it immensely. I didn't know what to expect going in and I was worried because Tim Burton films always seem to be missing something which ruins the full enjoyment of them, but, I'm happy to report it was just fine. It wasn't dark either - it was lightheated and whimiscal. Kids would be bored (despite the tall tales) because it's more soul-searching and introspective then it is just high fantasy. The son finding out who is father really was. Anyway, I recommend it highly.

So, today's my first jobless day again. I slept in until about 9:45am which isn't that late, but I went to sleep about 1am, so it was more then enough sleep. And, being with the whole cold thing, I've just been needing sleep because I've been so worn out. (In fact, I feel like now that I've been up a half an hour that I could lay back down for a bit.) I have some things to update and upload onto my site - going through it the other day I realized just how empty my domain is and how little I actually keep on it! I've got Halloween pics, pics of a park and xmas pics to upload (my camera's been full and I've just not bothered to go through them until I started last night). I've also got a ton of adorable pics of Mika that demand showing off (like her sticking her head in my friend Rand's sneaker - eww!). After I get some of my stuff taken care of, the big project of the week is getting my Love's art site revamped completely. No putting it off; it needs doing.

Alrighty, well, time to go brush my teeth and all that fun morning routine, so I'm out. Thanks to everyone who stopped to say they hoped I felt better. :)

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