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Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Who knew four hours could feel so long? Oy. My Love was sick this morning, so he called in. Neither one of us has been feeling all that hot the last couple days, but he's been feeling worse. The good thing is that I got to sleep an extra hour until 8am this morning instead of 7am to get him into work on time. I actually was dreaming at one point and woke just slightly in that half-half state where time loses all sense of meaning. So I was sure that I had mis-set the second alarm (for 8am) and that I was now blissfully sleeping right on through 8am and beyond. And I didn't care. I was glad I was just giving in and sleeping and so when it turns out that the alarm WAS in fact set properly (damn me for being able to set it even half asleep at 6:45am) and it went off at 8am, it was a painful shattering back into reality. Bah. I was really feeling shitty this morning having not slept anywhere near long enough to be fully recovered from the migraine last night. Generally, going to bed with a migraine means I need to sleep something crazy like ten hours so that when I wake up, it's out of my system. Last night I slept a little under seven - including my extra hour. Ugh. I was dragging and crampy and sore all over (say hello Aunt Flo...) and running late the whole morning. I managed to rush and get in there by about 9:04am, which didn't really matter considering the boss was once again not there until like after ten.

Today was data-entry day, which is always lovely, but at least better then the damned number stuff I have waiting for me to file still. The thing which stinks about data entry is that their desk set-up is atrocious. First off, there's no such thing as a trackball (of course) or an ergonomic keyboard (big surprise) there. Which means I type really, really slow because my fingers get all tangled up. They're not used to interacting with each other like that and I have to hold my hands in these really awkward ways which doesn't help. Let's not even get into how hard it is on my wrists. So I did it really slow - purposfully not pushing myself in the slightest because it's just not worth it to make my hands/wrists hurt for days to do it quickly. The other major problem is that they have the monitor off to the right rather then in front. There's no document holder so it's an awful back-and-forth to try to read something and then look over at the monitor to check the screen. Why in the world do people think it's cool to put a monitor way off to one side like that? It means you have to crane your neck at odd-ass angles all the time just to use it. I think tomorrow I'm breaking out my old split keyboard (which works just fine, I just got a newer one last xmas from my Love) and take it in to solve at least one problem. Ugh, these people obviously don't know what they're doing and have never actually taken into account work flow when they set up crap like this.

I'm also so annoyed with how condescending they are there, in that being insultive and talking down to you way without really saying any one thing which is offensive. Seeing how the owner's sister mom and daughter sister all work there and are in charge (there's only like three other people besides me who aren't family), it makes for a lot of snarky attitude issues. They want me to do something and don't explain the parts I need to know (like how they do things, how they want things done, what they're talking about in terms of verbage and internal process or that the owner gives out a second name for some calls and to expect hearing that name and how he wants it handled in those circumstances) but then way over explain telling me basic shit like I've never worked a computer before or stepped foot in an office (like to click the "excel" icon in the systray to open the program or tell me something three times I already know, or correct me on my pronoun usage - not that I had erred, they just assumed I was doing it wrong which I wasn't, etc.) Yeah, it might be the last year-and-a-half I've been doing the freelance/contractor/temp thing, but it doesn't mean I don't have six years of office experience in everything from reception, to executive assistant to presidents/VP's/owners, to office managers and even a director of telecommunications for fuck's sake! Just because you feel the need to compensate with your pathetic Hummer, doesn't mean I suffer from your issues or that I'm some how stupid or less then you and your family. Grr.

Anyway, it's amazing how long four hours can be. I keep reminding myself that it's easy money for all intensive purposes and that we need the extra money. Of course, I won't get any until after xmas and considering I'm not sure how we're going to afford a tree let alone presents, it doesn't feel really worth it if it's not actually going to help when we need it. *sighs*

Oh, and our moving date is now looking to be the END of January, rather then the beginning. Our current complex wants 30 days notice. But they won't accept a mid-month move day (which is ass since we moved IN mid month). So it couldn't be the first (not 30 days) and had to be pushed back until the 31st. Joy. Another month in this place. Color me thrilled.

Ugh. I'm just crampy and my back is killing me and I'm tired and cranky. I'm going to stop bitching, get ready for bed. Wish I could say I was going to sleep in and put the crabbiness behind me, but alas no. Another 7am wake-up call for me for three more days. Days only go by this slow when I have to wake up in the mornings. On my own time, I don't have enough time because the days fly by so fast they blur one into the next. And here, it's only Tuesday. My stars, help me make it 'til Friday.

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