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Friday, December 12, 2003

So........I'm bored. We got a tree tonight (yeah!) and we're leaving it be tonight to make sure Mika doesn't decide to attack/bite/climb it in anyway. This is our first xmas with her and we don't know how her generally really hyper nature will take to the tree. Kush was never interested in doing anything besides sleeping under it, so this year, who knows what's what. Since she is like 3 1/2, it's likely she's been around a tree at least once before. So far, she's passed the first tests - we hung strands of mardi gras beads from the lower branches to tempt her into going for it. (Better with beads then my 60 year old ornaments on the tree) She sniffed and started to bite one strand, but a quick squirt of water and she stopped. Since then, she's pretty much ignored the tree. Hope it stays that way.

Because I don't really have anything else to write about, I decided to address some of the recent things people have searched for and ended up on my site. I realize it's redundant to do it after and that the likelyhood of them coming back and getting the answers are slim to none, but eh...why not.

Google: webcam girl "new glasses"

Well, I'm not really a cam girl, but I do have a webcam that I just never remember to turn on. I do also have glasses, though I almost never wear them in photos and they're not new anymore. In fact, they're two years old. And, well, I need new ones. Not new glasses, but a new prescription. Mine doesn't really help anymore. I'm squinting when I wear them. *bah* Damned near-sightedness in my old age. (I never wore them before I was 24 because I used to have perfect vision. Dammit.)

Google: "best buy" and "one penny" or ".01"

Er...I don't know what this one's about. I know that a lot of times when Best Buy is doing some "free" sale, they have to actually ring it up as 1 cent in their systems. But....beyond that...?

Yahoo: hestia the goddess pics

So, I've never heard of this goddess name. It wasn't in my The Magician's Companion book, so I looked it up myself. According to this site, "Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth fire, hence presiding over domestic life. She is the eldest sister of Zeus and the oldest daughter of Rhea and Cronus." this site also mentions that "She is also known as Vesta (Roman)." You can also check out this, this or this just to name a few. So there you have it.

Google: clean erg valve

Ok, I have no idea if or how you can clean the things. I know my check engine light is on in my '95 Mustang because it needs to be replaced in my car, but more then that, eh...I don't know. I've been told it's not vital and it obviously isn't as my check engine light's been on for over a year now. *laughs*

Google: paintshop new year

Well..um. I have paintshop on my pc and well, it will be the new year of 2004 soon. *shrugs*

Yahoo: download bud light real men of genius

I swear. More people find me for this then anything else. Not a day goes by that some variation of this is in my search history. A little while ago I found this site which had them all in nice, clean mp3's BUT...apparently the poor guy has used all 30 GIGS of his transfer in a day. They are up for a short period of time when he gets more bandwidth, but that's it folks. I don't have them. I've never had them. And I don't know where else to find them.

Google: stomach pain and puke

Yeah well, with my stomach, pain and feeling like barfing isn't uncommon. Drink some ginger ale or sprite. Eat some saltine crackers and push fluids - clear liquids only! - if you do puke. Beyond that, if it doesn't stop, see a doctor. You could get dehydrated really easily (been there, wasn't fun. resulted in going into shock and an overnight stay in the hospital) or it could be a sign of something else wrong.

Google: how do bannanas turn brown

I have no idea why someone found me based on THIS search, but *shrugs* Here goes an answer anyway. Bananas are one of the many "self-ripening" fruits, meaning that even after they are picked, they continue to ripen. Apples are that way also. These types of fruit release natural gases (such as ethylene) which continue to make the fruit ripen and eventually rot. The expression, "it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel" comes from fact. Once an apple is to the point of rot, the production and release of gasses dramatically increases and will prompt the even faster ripening/rotting of the other apples. In fact, if you need to quickly ripen bananas, you can put them in with an apple in a paper back to hold the gasses in. You can read all about it scientifically here

Google: download bud light commercial real men of genius


Google: lyrics

Ok, bit vague. There's much better sites on the net that have nothing BUT lyrics. Go find one of them.

Yahoo: I have a uti and got an antibiotic how long til i feel better?

Ugh. First off, whoever was looking for this, know I sympathize. UTI's are hell. That said, for me, once I start taking an antibiotic, I feel better within a day. Make sure you get yourself some Uristat to help numb the pain while the antibiotics get in your system. Yeah, you'll pee neon orange, but you know what? It's well worth it. Also, make sure you see the dr as soon as possible - the faster you can get on the medication, the quicker the recovery. In the meantime, drink cranberry juice. Seriously. It has natural properties to help fight the infection. Many dr's are pretty good about taking your word for it if you get them reguarly. Many will simply call in a prescription without needing to see you once you have a history of it. Feel better.

Google: bud light real american heroes fantasy football

Yeah, this is just from the last ten, see what I mean?

Google: EVE ver4.0

Eve? I don't know what this is. The only "Eve" thing I know of is a graphic novel called E.V.E. ProtoMecha. Beautiful artwork, lame story. *shrugs*

MSN Search: where to buy custom vampire fangs

Ah. One I can help you with. Go here. These are the ones that I actually have. I like 'em a lot and they've lasted for three Halloweens so far. :)=

Google: Solstice+picture's

Yeah, sorry. No pics of Solstice. But, I'll point you in the direction of some great articles like Yule (Winter Solstice) and Midsummer (Summer Solstice)

MSN Search: see through panty photos

*laughs* Yeah, not even close. Move it along buddy.

MSN Search: movies about autisum

Didn't know how to answer this one, so I'll just point you in the direction of Autism.org's movie list. Things like Rain Man are on that list and other things like Forest Gump are on other lists.

MSN Search: vampire calanders

How about something like this? *laughs*

MSN Search: adverstising letter

And well, we're ending on a vauge one so I don't know what to mention about this since, I'm not in advertising and I don't know exactly what they mean by an advertising letter. Oh well, 9/10 isn't too bad. *winks*

So..........that's that. Wow. It was harder then I thought to go through and answer these questions. It's odd the things that people look for who end up here on my journal. I'm sure things like this will only spawn even more odd-ball keyword searches, but hopefully, this time, they'll find answers! Ta for now.

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