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Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Recap Attempt - Take One

Thursday, November 27, 03 - Thanksgiving - So, we went to my Love's cousin's for Thanksgiving dinner. Dammit, they deep fried the turkey again. *bleck* Last year it was the single worse thing I had ever been served as food. Literally burnt on the outside and dripping with oil on the inside. This year was slightly better but still NOT my thing. Ugh. Turkey should taste like TURKEY; it shouldn't be deep fried. It's just wrong to me to mess with the classics - especially something you only get like once or twice a year at most.

Afterwards we stopped by my grandmother's house and had some desert. My mom made an entire pumpkin pie for me to take home and I've been eating it ever since. My aunt almost started in at one point, but I did my best to blantently ignore her comment and continue talking to my mom instead. (She said something to the effect of "God wouldn't let anyone kill the president." *gags*) The day went well enough though; better then I expected.

Friday, November 28, 03 - Hockey Game Rand's company has season tickets for hockey. Rand's favorite team, the St. Louis Blues were in town. He, my Love, my friend Karii and I went for the game. We all LOVE hockey. The seats are $107 a ticket seats and the second row off of the glass. Nice stuff. Well, some seat-hoppers managed to ruin it for us pretty much the entire night.

... pause for my friend Jef to come over and for us to watch "Bruce Almighty" ...

Where was I...? Oh yes, the annoying kids. See, before the game even started, this jerk and his two kids move up into the seats directly in front of us - in the first row. Well, needless to say, the people who actually HAVE those seats show up. They then move up to the third row - directly behind us. The entire first period, we have to listen to the father - VERY loudly give a literal play-by-play of every single thing going on on the ice. Annoying and loud, he's leaning forward as the play moves to the other end, practically yelling in Karii and my ears.

Second period comes around and for a bit, they're not around. When they do show up, they're not quite as assy. They make up for it in third though when one of the boys comes and sits in the extra seat in the front row again. Then the other boy decides to come and squat in the isle. Which of course you can't do and the usher has to come all the way down to make the boy take his seat. The owners of the tickets for the front row leave at the beginning of the third and tell the boys - the two with the dad and two others that just manifested out of nowhere. So, now there are four young boys in the seats directly in front of us. They proceed to spend every moment standing up, sitting down, standing up, sitting down. They also continuously are POUNDING on the glass - at totally inappropriate and annoying times - and KICKING their feet as HARD as they can on the metal flap which covers the seam between the first row and the boards. To the point that Karii, myself, AND some guy next to us have to spend the entire period telling the kids to sit down, stop kicking and oh yeah, sit the fuck down. Amazing parent dad behind us doesn't do anything as the kids are up and down, running around and making life hell for the rest of us.

Well, I grabbed Rand's camera and made sure I'd mock them online for all to see. You just don't act that way and you certainly don't spoil it for the other people in the $107 a ticket seats. These people snuck down there, didn't belong in those seats and caused a disruption the entire game. So a big FUCK YOU to the following:

The group of them

The annoying little ass who couldn't stay seated if his damned life depended on it

Saturday, November 29, 03 - Magic Kingdom A REALLY late start of the day saw us at WDW at about 1:30pm. We didn't think much of it since we go all the time (lovely, lovely passes have more then paid for themselves) and the park was open until 10pm that night. We thought the parking lot was empty - we pulled way in and were right next to the ticket center. Cheerfully we head over to the park itself. Ugh. Turns out that the only reason we got so close was because the entire other side of the lot had been filled. And filled apparently by every single goddamned stroller in the entire state of Florida. Ok, it's a given that you see strollers at WDW. You expect some. But this was SO BAD you literally couldn't walk anywhere without being run over and without having to literally jump out of the way to dodge the so-not-paying-attention parents wheeling their screaming kids around. Normally, the kids are happy and laughing or tuckered out and sleeping. Saturday, everyone was pissed and announcing it at the top of their shrill little lungs. Didn't help that it was COLD that day - the high only reaching somewhere around 55F (extreme when you realize that it was 83F on Thanksgiving not two days before). We got to ride what we wanted to ride, I drank WAY too much hot cocoa to stay warm (though I got an adorable travel mug with Brother Bear on it to use for the cocoa all day), I got two more pins and an adorable Tinkerbell "Sassy" bucket hat (my head was cold) and headed out about 8:30pm, pretty thoroughly frozen and beat.

We got home by about 11pm and I pretty much passed out after a delicously hot shower.

Sunday, November 30, 03 - Haunted Mansion (the movie) - On Sunday, we snagged Rand and went to see The Haunted Mansion. I liked it. It was really a cute movie. Not to deep or scary, but it was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot.

I spent hours trying to figure out what winter/christmas/yule/solstice theme type thingy to make for my forum (as the tradition is that I make a new theme and implement it by December 1st. I just wasn't happy with anything until about 2:30am when I finally put together what I ended up using. Saved it all and went to bed, not wanting to screw up the change over when half-asleep.

Monday, December 1, 03 - Xmas Shopping - Rand took the day off and wanted to do some xmas shopping. I decided to join him. I woke up to no water in the house - apparently there was some kind of leak - so I brushed my teeth with bottled water and skipped the shower since it wasn't an option. We spent all day wandering around the mall and various assorted places, buying a few things for ourselves and Rand accomplishing very little on the actual "buying presents for others" plan. *laughs*I did snag two small items for my Love - tee hee - and a cool book on beads which was only $12 (it's HUGE like a textbook; full color, glossy, etc. for myself. Nice.)

That evening I applied the theme I had made the night before to the forums with success. Everyone likes it and I'm satisfied with what I did. (Now I just need to change my fall theme here to a wintery one!)

Tuesday, December 2, 03 - Pirates of the Caribbean (on dvd) - Rand came by Tuesday after my Love got home from work and we watched Pirates of the Caribbean on dvd. (Yeah, there seems to be a heavy Disney influence this week) That's a great movie. Capt. Jack Sparrow of course makes the movie.

Unfortunately, but the time the movie was over though, I was getting a wickedly bad heading which I could feel just building up to a migraine. I went to bed early because I had to get up this morning at 7am to take my Love into work. Which brings us to....

Today... Wednesday, December 3, 03
7am, wake up. Get dressed. Take Love into work at 8am. Come home. Have issues with my stomach for an annoyingly long time. Don't have time to shower, throw clothes on and rush over to meet with this guy about a job at 10am this morning. Despite him saying it'd be quick, I'm there for like an hour. The guy weirds me out for some reason. The guy is WAY nosey and asks (pries) all kinds of very personal information about me, my Love, our situation with changing apartments (I ended up having to tell him about the whole Twin Lakes thing for example of how much he just pushed for info!), to how I make jewelry and how my Love does art, where we want to go with that, etc. etc. etc. WAY too personal. He's looking for someone to help out, answering the phones and some light general things like printing up letters and such. It's from 8:30am - 4pm, five days a week through at least the end of the year. The extra income will help, but I'm just not happy about the situation for some reason. I don't know if it's the guy or the job, or what, but something is just rubbing me WAY wrong about it. I'm really unsettled and it's more then just not wanting to/not feeling able to handle jumping into a full-time schedule. (After not being on one for so long and having such difficult issues with depression and such the last year, I'm not physically nor mentally ready to be full-time like that, plus I know I'm stressed over packing and such which I won't be here to do this month as planned.) It's more then all that though. And I can't put my finger on it, so there's no real "logical" reason I should be so hesitant. We could really use the money. But I'm just screaming on the inside NOT to do it. I didn't feel this way when I did the temp job for Rand's company last week. I just felt a little scared and nervous about whether or not I'd remember how to act in the office environment. Once I was there a day, even that butterflies-in-my-stomach feeling went away. But this....*cringe* It's something different. And I don't know where to go with it or how to react. I know people are just frustrated at me and thinking I'm just freaking out over it and to say no would be to pass up on a great way to make some extra money, but...it's not just some little over-reaction. I feel so strongly about it but I can't quantify what "it" is exactly that's making me feel this way. I told the guy I'd start on Monday but that was really only because I couldn't bear the thought of going in tomorrow or Friday. It was a stall tactic for me. I just don't know what to do about it at all.

I dropped off the application - in my Love's name only to avoid this looming Twin Lakes issue I need to fight - today for our second choice of apartment. Hopefully, all will go smoothly and we'll be moving in there the first of the year. We had originally wanted to do xmas in a new place, but it just doesn't look like we'll have enough time to make that a possibility.

Jef came over this evening and we watched Bruce Almighty. He bought the dvd and so brought it over. We want to pick it up eventually too. The movie is just hysterically funny. It's Liar, Liar funny and you just laugh out loud through much of it. He just headed out a little while ago and I wanted to finish this up. My Love and I are going to watch the episode of The West Wing we recorded (since we were watching the movie) as soon as I'm done, so I think I'll wrap up here.

Long entry, but I wanted to cover a lot of what's been going on since I've gotten so behind on so many things these last few days.

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