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Monday, December 08, 2003

Oy. My head is killing me. It's been a vicious cycle. Last night, my ear clogged up - head cold sort of clog where your head feels muffled in cotton - and it's been throwing me off kilter all day. It won't "pop" and everytime I try to make it pop (holding my nose and blowing to force the pressure to give) it just makes me REALLY dizzy. But it's one of those things where it's annoying me so much, I keep trying. Well, all this left-side-of-my-head clogged over thing is making my neck sore and my head in turn is all screwed up from the pressure issue. So now I've been in the low-level stages of migraine all evening. (Everything is WAY overbright, causing afterimages, my head hurts if I think too hard or move pretty much at all, etc.) Bah. This is not helped by having to get up at 7am this morning to take my Love in for work at 8am and then get myself into my new temp job this morning at 9am. Yes, it's only four hours. Yes that's a great thing. But, when you're dizzy, clogged up and your head hurts, it's a miserable way to start a new temp job. Bah. Let's not even get into the fact that I'm sore enough already from the Aunt who's visiting for the week. *grumbles* Every damned month. Overall, I'm just tired, achey and sick of my head being all unbalanced.

We started to watch the Angels In America we recored Sunday tonight, but something's all kinds of wonky with the recording. Dammit. The sound keeps stuttering and it's pretty much unwatchable. After an hour, neither of us could really take it anymore. Which stinks because it's our digital video recorder and we've never had this stutter problem before and we really wanted to see it and enjoyed the first hour so far. Bah humbug. This of course means I'm going to need to get in touch with stupid Time Warner - oh, no, sorry, they're calling themselves "Bright House Networks" now, though it's just another 'division' of TW so buy whoop - and possibly get a new box or something. Grr. There's no point if you can't watch the shows you record.

I made a winter re-theming for the journal, but my head hurts way too much tonight to upload it successfully. I'll put that on the schedule for tomorrow when (hopefully) I'm more clear-headed.

I'm not looking forward to having to get up again tomorrow morning - having only one working car sucks ass - but I'm REALLY not looking forward to finishing the filing work they gave me to help fill my hours. If it were alphabetic filing it wouldn't be a big deal, but it's not. It's eight digit numeric filing - filing by one number, then sub-filing by another - and ouch, that is HARD for me to do. My dyslexia is the worst with numbers. I'll occassionally invert a letter or two, but I see it pretty much right away. Numbers though, ugh. Numbers I have to really concentrate on - not stop to answer a phone and take a message. It's painfully difficult for me. I tried to mention to the woman in all seriousness that it would take me awhile and I'd do my best but that I really do have a problem with numbers, but she really shrugged it off like I was either a dumbass or had sprouted green antleers or something. It's like, uh, no...really. This is just about the worst thing you could ask me to do. No wonder my head hurts.

We might end up having a place to move January 1st. We might be able to get a foward on the security deposit the first place wanted which we can pay back with the fact I'm making income this month. I hope so. We really need a place to move and we were running out of options. We should know tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm going to stop babbling. It's not doing any good for my head and I'm not making a whole hell of a lot of sense. Besides, I think I should lay down and try to get some rest.

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