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Thursday, December 18, 2003

I started writing a letter to a random person on px the last couple days. I really just sorta poured it out onto paper and I liked some of what I wrote so much that I didn't want to lose it completely. So I'm going to just copy it here as an entry and leave it at that.

Just now, for several minutes, I listened to a waomn here at my temp job bitching on and on about first one thing, then another. COmplaining that the woman who answered the phone when placing a flower order was in training and had to put her on hold six times in order to answer her querstions. Oh! Poor her! The injustice of it all that she - who's ordered a dozen times she stresses - should be forced to deal with a woman who didn't immediately know the answers because she's new. Say it isn't so?!


Attitudes like that confound and depress me. Why do so many people find so many reasons to hate each other? Why do they spend so much time going so far out of their way to belittle and cause harm to others? All that wasted energy. All that lost potential. Why sour a soul when you can help it sing? Why supress good intenet when you can help it fly? Hell, if people would even just stop actively harming others, the world would be a better place! Perhaps it's the dreamer in me; the idealist. The one who can see kindness and prefers Light to Darkness. We surround ourselves in hatred and coat ourselves in negativity and we wonder why it's what we get back in return.

A silly movie, but one with a good point, "Bruce Almighty" has a part where god says, "Parting soup is a magic trick. A single mom working two jobs who still has time to take her kid to soccer practice, that's a miracle. A teen who says no to drugs and yes to an education, that's a miracle. BE the miracle." And I get that. It clicks with me. I feel something when I hear that. I wonder if most do not or if they simply don't get it. Are they not listening or is there some vital part missing from their make-up? I don't know, but sometimes it seems like something was lost a long time ago. So long ago in fact, people don't remember they should be looking for it.

I've been feeling different lately. Like I'm changing or something. A fish out of water who, instead of dying, is slowly and painfully adapting. It's like something is coming in the world and I need to be ready to face it. I believe that I am here for a reason, though the specifics have always elluded me. I wonder if this reason is coming and that as time draws me closer, I'm changing to face what's ahead..... Does that sound egotistical to you? A stranger who's reading these words poured out in secret confession? I don't feel special so much as resigned to a fact I can't understand fully. It's like being born to a duty or responsibility; it's not a bragging point, it just is. Hrm...So I write to you, my near anonymous friend and ponder how they will find you and what you will make of them. Will they spark something in you? Will you think on them for a moment, but then allow the words to sink deep within where you don't really see them, but they tickle your mind anyway? Can this letter be a catalyst of sorts whereby you explore new concepts or possibilities. Or is tha tmy ego again...? *soft smile*

Just thought like sharing that. Almost out of here for the day.

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