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Friday, December 12, 2003

Good article. Good, common-sense words which are far too often uncommon these days. Sharpton Implores Dems to return to liberal roots.

The 2000 election, which was decided when the Supreme Court ruled against Democrat Al Gore in the Florida recount, "was the undermining of democracy itself,'' he said.

Since then, Sharpton added, "there's been a nonmilitary civil war led by the right-wing,'' including efforts to put in a new, pro-Republican redistricting plan in Texas and the successful recall of Democratic Gov. Gray Davis.

Now the Bush administration has put together a "no dissent'' policy when it comes to the war in Iraq or the war against terrorism.

"We're called unpatriotic if we question (the war in Iraq),'' he said. "(But) we're unpatriotic if we don't question it.''


Sharpton also slammed the other Democratic candidates for being willing to talk about "civil unions'' for same-sex couples but shying away from the politically loaded approval of gay marriage.

"Asking me about gay marriage is like asking me about Latino marriage,'' he said. "We don't have the right to deny anyone the legal option of any other human being in this country.''

The whole thing's worth reading though. Good thoughts within.

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