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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Well, when you're up in a little room by yourself waiting for the phone to ring with really only the net to hold you attention, you find some weird things.

DisturbingAuctions.com is just that - the crazy shit people try to sell on ebay complete with pics of the many times laugh-out-loud items. The commentary is what gets me the most and it was so outlandish a collection of things, I had to share. Unfortunately, the items are all from several years ago (no really recent items) so it seems this site might not be updated anymore. Still, one has to laugh at the creepy evil clown lava lamp or the ram's head - on wheels! The description for the weaner pedal car is a riot, but I think the all time best though is the Velvet Jesus Bless Truckers picture. I just about lost it on this one.

Ah...note: If you didn't get enough of the archived listings, there is a Daily Listing page which links to current auctions. (They're not as funny though. Pity.)

Next on the list is something really less funny in comparison to the auction hall of famers, but something I got a good chuckle over anyway. You might have heard that Napster is back, but this time as a pay-for service. I decided to swing by today to see what the deal was and accidentally found their really amusing Animations of the Napster return. It starts out with the "cat" logo escaping jail and getting shot. Kinda amusing. I watched them all and they all made me chuckle. The heavy metal one was especially funny.

This is a very amusing joke picture about Micheal Jackson and the latest scandel. I like the pic, but I think my comment that "He has way too much nose in the picture" is amusing as well. :)

Hrm...there were more amusing things but I think I lost track of them today in my mindless haze of waiting for the phone to ring, or for it to be noon (either one was fine.) *laughs* Thank goodness tomorrow is only a half-day because I'm ready to SLEEP IN. (Of course, I still need to figure out what to do about my mom and Thanksgiving - as in I've still not replied to her because a] I can't access my pop account from here and b] I can't decide if I want to go or not - but that's a whole different can of worms)

*hums a bit* Come ON 5:30!

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