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Monday, November 10, 2003

So...totally mad. Utterly missed the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th. And not for lack of knowing about it but rather for an utterly cloudy sky and zero visability of the moon. *sighs* I barely got to see the one for my birthday (back may 15th-16th) and this one was supposed to be even better and not so much as a glimpse. Poop monkey.

Matric Revolutions - no real spoilers, just commentary
Today though we FINALLY had a cool day. Though to forecast said otherwise, it only got in the upper 70's and it was BEAUTIFULLY breezy. Yeah! We went and saw the Matrix: Revolutions and...er. Yeah. It was...um...yeah. It deserves another *sigh* There were a few things I liked about it, but the entire movie was the most boring part: the attack on/defense of Zion. There was very little Neo (hello? Main character!) and very little of what initially made the movie/concept so cool. Plus, it really felt like you were missing vital peices of the story; like, after hearing how bored people were with all the dialouge in the second one they nixed it all out and left you with very disturbing battles and action instead. (And far too much of it.) Plus, I had to explain what I think was the ending to my Love and my friend Rand because well, none of us were all too sure what exactly happened since, once again, there seemed so much just missing. Blah. Could have been SO much better then it was and it seems the whole series just slid down into a pit that it couldn't recover from.

Working on some items to go out in the main for pX and some jewelry projects as well just for the heck of it. Think I'm going to start wrapping it up though as I'm getting tired. We turned in our app by the way at the apartment and we'll find out what's up sometime this week. *fingers crossed* If all goes well, the planned move-in date is December 10th. I'm so nervous right now because so much is up-in-the-air between packing, part-time job for me, our vehicle situation (as in, we badly need another one to replace the poor 'stang which is barely hanging on these days); what we need to sell; what we need to buy....etc. etc. etc. Oy it's worrisome and stressful.

Anyway, I'm out for now.

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