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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Ok, now I'm nervous! *laughs*

My friend Rand's company needs someone to cover for them Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The two Administrative people are going to be out of the office and they won't have anyone to answer the phones, or be the warm body up front. Well, Rand called me yesterday about it to see if I'd be interested in picking up a couple days worth of work and some extra money.

I talked to the woman there today and I'm going in on Friday at 11am to meet with them, fill out the paperwork, and generally go over the way the system works and that sort of thing. Since next week is Thanksgiving, the office is supposed to be pretty empty and they all assure me that it will be an easy week. Wednesday will be a half-day since the owner lets people out early the day before holidays. So, I'll be there a half-day Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm Monday and Tuesday and then 8:30am-? Wednesday.

*cue nervousness*

I know logically that I'll do fine. I've done the whole range of office work for years and years and it's only a few temp days. It's just that I haven't been on a schedule for over a year and a half now (being somewhere at 8:30am? *faints*) and I'm just not used to the concept. Add to that my overly tempremental stomach which can cause me random visits to the restroom over the course of the day of varrying lengths (that was the attempt at the least information on a TMI subject I could think of) and I'm nervous. I'm sure I'll do fine. I'm sure that it won't be anything I can't handle. And we can surely use a couple hundred bucks that I'll probably get for the days. But, it doesn't stop me from being a bit worried about it all nonetheless. ;)

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