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Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Man, today is my last day. And it's a half-day so I'm only here until noon. Let me tell you, I'm eager to head home. I've really not been able to sleep and my stomach has shut down in protest of the strange hours and lack of 8 hour sleep nights. (I've been getting like 5-6 at most.) Of course, because it is a short day, it seems to be going by even slower then normal! *lol* It's not that the temp job has been horrible - far from it - it's just that there's only so much you can do for that many hours in a small office by yourself where you can't get up, there's no tv, napping is not an option and you have to just wait for the phone to ring. There's really only so much you can do that's entertaining online for that many hours before your eyes just start glazing over and you swear the clock ticked back a minute rather then ahead. *chuckle*

I definately wouldn't mind having something part-time though on a more semi-regular basis. Nothing with long days really, but if I could do a few half days a week or every other week, man that'd be perfect. It is nice getting up and out of the apartment, even if it's just to sit in front of a strange computer and surf the net rather then do it in my pj's in my bedroom. ;) Still need to figure out what's going on with the ever-looming move (since, as the complex we wanted to move into wants us to give $860 in deposit up front in addition to the rent that really ain't going to happen 'cause we just don't have that kind of money sitting around in addition to needing deposits, moving costs and transfer fees for the other ultilities) so I can figure out where to look for a job (what area) and possibily get something, even if it's just small shifts at a store or something. The few extra bucks would be a help and it'd give my days a little more purpose.

Hrm. Well, I've been sitting here staring at what I've written for a couple minutes now and nothing new has come to mind so I guess I'll go ahead and just end the entry rather then leave it blinking in front of me. Ta for now.

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