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Friday, November 14, 2003

I've been bumed out. We're having a slew of issues with getting the new apartment. Apparently, not our current apartment, but the one we left back in April 2001 is now - as of last month - reporting that I owe them all kinds of money. Called them yesterday and they called back 23 hours later saying they had sold my account to a collection agency. Mind you, I knew none of this for 2 1/2 years because a) I DON'T owe them anything anb b) when I got my credit report as of September, this most certainly wasn't on there. The new place can't let us in until we can get this straightened out, but now that it's in collections, we can't just get the apartment complex to fix the issue, we have to fight with a third party who's not going to want in the slightest to write off charges that are NOT mine because they paid to have my account. Ugh. So, it looks like a long and drawn out battle and most likely will require the help of either a) lawyer (which I don't have and don't have money for) or b) the media like the local newschannel "on your side" type people (though who knows if I could get them to help. In addition, our current complex won't give them our rental information for the past two years until we give them our 30-day notice. But if we give the 30 day notice and the new place ends up not approving us afterall, well, then won't we be in the shitter? We won't have a place to live and nothing lined up!


Fucking Twin Lakes. Fuck them up their fucking asses. I just so don't need this shit. And apparently, it's only on MY record - not mine and my Love's (despite the fact that we were bothon the lease.) And the new place won't approve the application with just his name on it if I'm living there as well. They required me to fill out an application and we BOTH have to "pass" in order for either of us to move in there. Originally I didn't want to bother filling out an app since I don't have "verifiable income" (i.e. the random amounts I get from selling horns, jewelry and misc. database work and such done is basically under the table and there's no paperwork/checks involved) and I wasn't on this current lease because it was started before I moved in here and I quite frankly have shit for credit. (I'm at that more then halfway stage though where it's nothing but awkward. Right now, it's shit, but if I started paying things off, I'd just reset my date of these accounts showing up whereas if I can just wait another year or two, they'll fall off on their own and my credit will be clean again) We'd be approved already if it weren't for fucking Twin Lakes. AND...to add insult to injury, not only did they sell my account to a collection agency so that now I have to deal with them instead of the complex, BUT...the complex itself doesn't have any records because not only is there new staff at this point, there is also new a new management company that owns them!

It's so damned unfair. My word against theirs. Theirs holds all the sway and weight despite the fact that it's not the same people, company or ownership in the slightest and they're going on perhaps a handful of jotted notes by someone almost three years ago. BAH.

So needless to say I'm overwhelmed and beyond frustrated. There's SO MUCH we need to do IF we're getting this place but we can't start any of it until we know for sure. It's a different electric company; we need renter's insurance policy; we'd need to arrange the transfer of cable and phone; we need to pack, sort and SELL items; there's things we'd need to BUY (like a tv stand because our entertainment center needs to be sold since it won't fit in the new living room configuration)....... nothing can happen though because we have NO idea what is going to occur. And our "planned" move in date is December 10th. Tell me exactly how in less then a month we can get all this done when the days tick by and we still don't even know if we're moving or not??

I'm going to stop ranting. I'm just really upset, unhappy and unbelievably depressed right now. The only thing getting me through the day is that we already planned to head to WDW again on Saturday (hey, we've got the passes, we're going to fucking use them). I need the escape. Tomorrow's payday for my Love as well which is good so we can pay the heap of overdue bills and put some food back in the fridge. Ugh...all this and my mom emailing me to nag about if I'm going to see them for the holidays (I haven't spoken to her in months and I have to say it's been calm and peaceful on that front; I'm almost loathe with everything else going on to deal with my family on top of it), figure out what we're doing for Thanksgiving and let's not forget next month is xmas. Joy of joys.

Out for now. Love's going to bed and I'm going to stop pounding on the keyboard.

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