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Monday, November 24, 2003

Hello, hello... little more then two hours to go so I'm writing another journal entry. (Told ya I'd be back!) ;D

This time, I'm going to use a questionaire meme type thingy from a site I always forget to read though I have it linked on my super secret hidden link page (ok, so it's not really all that hidden, just my cheat sheet of links - good esp the rare time I'm not at my pc - like now). So, without further ado...

PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.47
1. It is a lovely 21 degrees here in Oklahoma, and since walking in from the parking lot, I can't seem to warm up. I've got the coffee to my right and the space heater to the left and the non-functional central heat blowing above me. What do you do to get warm when you are very cold?
Well, first things first, it's pretty much NEVER 21 degrees in Florida. If it is, it's panic and we generally have lost power because people don't know what the hell to do with themselves at that point. That said, in my situation, if I'm uber cold, I tend to first go to the a/c controls and take the settings from 65 where my Love perpetually leaves it, and bring it back to a much more livable 73ish. Beyond that, it's socks, huddling under a blanket and the ingestion of something warm like cocoa or tea. If all else fails (and it's an option), I snuggle up with the afore-mentioned Love and steal some of his always overwarm body heat. ;)

2. What is the first thing you do in the morning after you get up?
I'd love for this answer to be something normal like "pee" or brush my teeth, but if I'm going to be honest, it's turn on my monitor and check my email. Then I go pee and brush my teeth. *hangs head in pc addiction shame*

3. I mentioned earlier in the week that Sub Hunt was one of the first arcade games I ever remember playing. Many years later I would become equally entranced by the Atatri 2600 (ugh, I am showing my age now, aren't I?). Do you remember the very first video game you ever played (arcade, handheld, console, etc.)? What do you remember about that experience?
I think the first thing video game wise I played was probably something like Pong on Atari. Thought it was cool but I recall sucking major ass. It was the damned paddle thingy...it was wonky. But I do remember that when, a few years later I finally got an NES for Christmas, my mom in her infinite cluelessness actually said something like, "See, aren't you glad now that you never got an Atari?" I was like, duh, no...cause then I'd have had something to play these last few years. *smacks hand to forhead* Oh well. The first thing I owned video game wise was the NES bundle pack which came with Mario Bros and Duck Hunt (complete with gun) as well as the too-cool athletic pad thingy to play the olympic track and field game.

4. Do you have a good memory or do you find that you need to write things down to remember them?
Eh...this is really subjective I guess. Sometimes I remember stupidly tiny details of things and other times I could walk out of the building without my head attached.

5. I am currently really getting a kick out of the Citibank Citicard commercials about Identity theft, to the point of quoting them out loud (which no one gets, I really need new some geeky-er friends). What are some of your all-time favorite television commercials?
I LOVED the one where Red (the M&M) faiting when he met Satna. I also got a kick out of the Snickers "Crunchers" ones where they were destroying the little figures ("Do you have, 'Don't worry it happens to all guys?'"). Basically, I like funny ones. Some of the Mastercard "Priceless" ones are pretty amusing too.

6. Since Thanksgiving is this week, I felt like I just had to throw in the obligatory food question, so here goes. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving food that is made by one person, and no one makes it better? If not, then what is your favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving? (Those who don't celebrate Thanksgiving feel free to insert your favorite fall food)
Man, the answer to this one is easy. My mom's pumpkin pie. I don't really even like pumpkin pie as a rule, but I LOVE my mom's. It's just so good and perfect. It's honestly the only thing I look forward to at Thanksgiving.

7. Wireless telephone companies will now let you move your cell number to another carrier, or move your land line number to your cell. Not only is this incredibly convenient, it forces cell phone companies to be more competitive. Are you planning to switch cell phone companies as a result of this new law, or possibly pit two companies against each other for a better deal?
*gasp* Yes, I am one of the very few who exist (somehow) without a cell phone. In fact, I've been cell-free for about two years now. I admit the urge to have one creeps back on me sometimes, but overall, I'm good without one. Honest. *twitch*

BONUS: Where?
n/a but anything has to be better then my old company of cingular who I detest utterly and completely and hope they die and burn in hell.

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