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Sunday, October 26, 2003

*yawns* I'm sleepy. So is my Love. We tried to take a nap this afternoon/evening after falling in absolute LOVE with an apartment we want oh so bad (and is in our price range and now we just need to pass the credit check...) but it didn't work out so well. The Jerry Springer Show that is our building kept it from happening.

So....yeah...apartment hunting and apartment falling-in-love-with today. Oh gods, I want it. It's a 1/1 with a LOFT that you reach via one of those uber cool black, iron spiral staircases. And the bathroom...? IT HAS A ROMAN TUB! *drools* Oh, it's so lovely. And new. And beautiful. And on a preserve so it's surrounded by trees and water. *whimpers* Oh I want it so badly.

Today is apparently Daylight Savings Time Endsday. You know the whole 2am and things go back to Standard Time thing. Tonight, an extra hour of sleep. Whoo hoo. Groovtacular. Apparently though, I - along with pretty much everyone else - are wrong. It's not "daylight savings time" it's just "daylight saving time." Eh, fuck off.

Um.....yeah. Post. This isn't much of one. But like I said in the opening, I'm tired. We went bowling this eve for Karii's birtdahy party (catching up with the group at the bowling alley after they ate at a Japanese resturant which posed a ER Trip threat for my Love - being allergic to garlic and them doing that big, "cook everything all together thing" not to mention neither one of us really liking Japanese food or vegetables). I had my worse game ever throwing like a 65 or something. *lol* My Love did even worse though so I don't feel so bad. Then again, I truly am a horiffic bowler. I don't particularly like it so eh... no biggie if I suck at it.

Hrm. Ok, babbled enough. Want apartment. Want apartment badly.

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