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Friday, September 19, 2003

So Jef came over yesterday and Karii came by on her way home from work. Jef had gotten some new Xbox game (he had lent us his Xboxfor a couple day so my Love could play the Buffy: Chaos Bleeds game) and wanted us all to play it. It's called Dungeon's & Dragons' Heroes. All four of us played at the same time and sheesh, I ended up being an elf wizard (who of course was wearing nothing but a leather bra and "skirt" so I named her ELFBITCH) and I died like a million times. They all kept assuring me that (if I ever lived long enough to go up in levels) I'd be kick ass, but, really, all I saw was this side of reloading after dying. *lol* My Love was a fighter dude (named "BIGPAPPA" - yeah, we use silly names), Jef was a Halfling Rogue and Karii was a dwarf cleric. We ended up playing the game - and making silly RPG jokes a la the Summoner game's hidden video of them playing D&D (I kept saying "I cast Magic Missle!" because, well, I did.) It was really silly and the monsters were the same exact color of the background no matter what level we were in prompting us to all move much closer to the tv but we had fun. We played it for a couple hours in fact.

Tonight we may or may not be going to see Underworld. One of our friends is seeing it tonight, but another can't. If we don't see it tonight, we'll probably go see it tomorrow.

Next Thursday we're probably going to use our last day of the Play Four Disney pass. We're taking Jef and possibly Rand with us. (Jef's never been and we knew he'd love it). The ironic thing is that the 25th-27th is our anniversary. In fact, this year makes it five years. The reason that there's a couple days involved is an interesting story. Five years ago now, there was a hurricane heading directly for us. So directly in fact that everything closed down and we had an evacuation order where were we living at the time. So we packed up and headed out. We ended up driving to Georgia. Yeah I don't know, we didn't plan to, we just did. We went to a place called Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Ga. He had been there as a child and remembered it was very pretty. We ended up spending the next couple days there before coming home. So we call that our official anniversary. We had known each other for a few months before that and we had become friends and were interested in each other, but that was the first time we really were together just the two of us. It was romantic and it was spontaneous and it was paid for on my now defunct Discover card. The really funny thing of the story is that the storm turned at the very last moment and there wasn't even much of a rainy day from it afterall.

I'm sad though that we can't do anything special for our anniversary. I'm sadder still that I can't even really get him anything - I've got no money and we've got bills to pay. It seems like we really should do something after five years, but unfortunately, I don't think much of anything can happen without some extra funds. :( Oh well... I can't believe though that it's been this long.

Alrighty well I'm going to go take a shower in the event we do end up seeing Underworld tonight. Out for now.

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