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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Let's see.... I put two of the necklaces I made up for auction on Ebay: *** Go Here To See Them *** I did it because I am behind on both of my domain hosting fees. (because of a nice friend, I now have one of them paid for, but I still need to pay for this domain - $28.50) Problem is that I'm overdue and I simply don't have the money. So anyone who wants a kick-ass, handmade, one-of-a-kind necklace made by me, please go put a bid on it. You get a way cool necklace and I get to catch up on my hosting fees. In the event you don't want a necklace made by me (and why not? I do nice work!) but want to help out, you could nudge a buck or two in the giveneyestosee support fund (It's one of those things that while I don't have $30 at the moment, perhaps if a few people each had a couple bucks I could get the damned thing taken care of for the next three months). *sigh*

Still haven't heard anything from the bookstores I've given my ap too. Nice hu? I finally decide to get back into the world for 15-25 hours a week, try to hold down a schedule and really face the concept of getting out of my depression and hermitness and I can't even find someone willing to give me a damned retail job. So much for my self-esteem, hu? Sheesh. It's for things like this that I need the extra couple bucks. I just don't have any money this week - there's $9 in the checking until Friday - and even $6/hour right now would help take some edge off. And yet, no one's calling me.

Answered a bunch of my overdue emails tonight and damn are my fingers hurting now. I swear I have a minor arthritis in them which totally blows. On top of it, I'm crampy and my neck is absurdly killing me. One of those if I even stop to consider it seriously for a second sort of things I'm going to cry. There's also a migraine lurking because of the neck which is evidant by my annoying hyper light sensitivity at the moment. I swear, I get so light sensitive when I get migraines it should be a world record. Ugh. Not like it does me any good, it just means that the little green lights on my cable modem are the sun to me.

Um....some friends are over playing Soul Caliber II in the living room right now but I've just not been feeling really great so I've not been hanging out there with them. I feel really anti-social but it's not a lot of fun to sit there and not participate - especially when the horrid bright light is on out there - and I don't really feel like playing the video game. Eh.

I finished my book a couple days ago and I'm going stir crazy. I ALWAYS have a novel I'm reading at any given time and right now, I don't. I've already read cover-to-cover three magazines in the last like day but it's not the same. I need a book but with $9 in my checking account, it will be another three days before I can hope to get a novel. Arg. To add insult to injury, there's even a new novel out by my favorite writer, Charles DeLint called, Spirit in the Wires *whimpers* Damned hardcovers costing $29 these days. *sighs*

Alright, enough bitching, I'm out for now. (besides my damned fingers are yelling at me to stop typing anyway.)

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