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Monday, September 22, 2003

Full-blown, horrible migraine last night. Went to bed like 10pm and I don't know how I managed to wait that long. My Love was nice enough to go out and get me some more Migraine Ice so I could achieve sleep. I woke up about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours over the night but still, got a good amount of sleep. Until 7am when the fucking lawn guys came. SEVEN AM IN THE MORNING AND THEY ARE MOWING, EDGING, AND BLOWING THE GRASSES!!!! Do you have any idea how loud that is? So for the better part of an hour I'm trying to keep myself busy because I can't sleep with them doing it. They normally come at 9am which is bad enough, but seven am in the morning??! I'm so fucking pissed. Especially when it's the morning after having a migraine. I'm so nervous about doing any little wrong thing that makes it come back. Getting up and forcing myself to stay awake (because laying in bed with that going on will just make me more irritated) hours before I'm ready to be awake is one of those things. So help me if I get another migraine today because of these fuckers, I'm going to go ballistic.

My migraines keep getting worse. They're coming more frequently again and despite all the things I avoid to prevent triggering them. I still don't have anything at all to take as a painkiller - nothing over the counter works anymore (after like ten years of getting them) and I don't have insurance, so I don't have any of the $20 a pill prescriptions either. The only thing I can do is use one of the migraine ice pads on my head and hope it's enough to give me a chance to fall asleep. Though they say not to do that anymore; that each time you just sleep through a migraine rather then stop it, you leave yourself more open to getting them again in the future. Something about wearing down your already very limited resistance. It's weird, people who get migraines are already hypersensitive to things - MSG, Caffine intake, light, sound, etc - and rather then being able to build up an immunity, we lose the tiny amounts of immunity we have so that the next time we encounter a trigger, we're even more sensitive to it. It's terrible. Nowadays a lot of people who frequently get migraines are on daily medications to try to prevent them from starting to avoid this terrible cycle. In fact, my friend's mom gets them and she's just been put on an anti-seizure medication. They've recently linked the brain chemistry of those who suffer from epilepsy and those who suffer from migraines. And, in small daily doses, anti-seizure medication has been shown to prevent migraines as well. It's facinating and horrifying all at the same time. And I read up on everything I can get my hands on because migraines aren't something to fool around with.

Anyway, it seems to have [FINALLY] gotten a bit more quite - they've moved to the other side of the complex (only an hour later) so I'm going to try to lay down a little more. I can only hope my head stays ok when I get up again because I can tell I'm still tired but of course, I'm always worried about it coming back.

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