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Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Ugh. Cramps suck. Finally putting two-and-two together and realizing that the mass quantities of Aleve you take (the only thing which helps take the worst edge off said cramps, backpain and general entire-body aches) causes you headaches sucks worse.

I finally realized last night that the connection between me taking Aleve to help get rid of cramps only to end up seeming to get a headache out of nowhere as soon as the cramp pain starts receding isn't just coincidence, it's probably some kind of allergic reaction or simiar. But, I confirmed it tonight (after all day trying to get by on just some Motron with little success) - the Aleve helps my cramps but gives me headaches. So once again I say, ugh.

Sleep now. Sorta crampy and sorta headachy. Should be a fun night.

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