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Sunday, August 10, 2003

Not much to update. Ran some errands yesterday; same today. My friend Rand's leaving for a business trip today so it was just my Love and I hanging out. We stopped at the store and decided to make some fondue for dinner (we got some Swiss Cheese fondue mix, an apple and some french bread for an appitizer and some beef, chicken breast which we'll cook in a chicken/vegetable bouillon) For about $20, we have a two-course meal that's delicious and fun. (And which runs upwards of $60 at the oh-so-delicious Melting Pot)

Not much else going on. Got sick Friday out of nowhere and ended up at the last second unable to go with my Love to his family's house for dinner. (It was his brother's birthday) I felt terrible and even worse because now they think I'm avoiding them - which I'm not! I just honestly can't control when my stomach will decide to up and go crazy and make me miserable. It's just never been right and Friday I spent the evening trying not to puke and trying to keep down some chicken noodle soup. :(

That's about it for now. Mika's mmrroooww?-ing at me and jumping all over me. She is under the impression that having already been fed twice today just frankly isn't enough. *lol* Attack of the tubby tabby. Better go play with her a bit so she doesn't decide to destroy something in her hyper I-want-food state. ;)

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