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Saturday, July 12, 2003

Hrm. Haven't posted in a couple days but then, there's really been nothing notable to post about. All day yesterday I couldn't get ezboard's network to load - it would literally take up to fifteen minutes to load a page without the default CSS and without any ezboard hosted images. Apparently, a bunch of people had issues, but just as many had none. Makes no sense to me since the rest of the net loaded without issue. It was annoying though since I couldn't get anything on ezboard to load.

Today my Love's out at the moment helping Rand get things moved into his house. He should be home pretty soon and we might go see a movie. Not sure though. Rand's going to be gone for two days (leaving tomorrow) for a business trip to Arizona, so I don't know if he'll be coming along if we see a movie. Tomorrow we have to head down to see my Love's family sometime - though no idea about details yet as none have been given - because it's his grandmother's birthday.

What a thrilling weekend, hu? :) Eh, I just wanted to sort of check it, but I really am sans entry material.

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