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Monday, July 14, 2003

blah blah blah. I've been thinking I need to write an entry for a couple days now but.... the inspiration and motivation just haven't been there. I had to force myself to do this one as it is.

Saturday the rain didn't let up and my stomach decided it hated me (it does that often; it's not happy and has hated me pretty much all of my life) and so we couldn't go even if we wanted to get soaked (which we didn't). Ended up being a rather boring night.

Sunday my Love ran around for a few hours trying to see his grandmother for her birthday but no one was home and he ended up having to come back after wasting a lot of gas for nothing. After that we were going to hit a 4:30pm showing of League of Extraordinary long movie title, but we didn't have time to really make it (you need to get to the theater an hour early - and more if it's a big night - to get a decent seat) so we planned to hit the 6:45pm show.

The old man behind me kicked my chair for two hours. I wanted to flay him. The movie itself was actually decent, although I really hated the dizzy/twitchy/blairwitch-esque camera motions they used in the fight scenes. First off, it's damned hard to tell what the hell is going on when it's all fast and jittery and second, it's hard on the eyes. Ugh...damned urpy cam. Mina was by far the coolest in the movie though there wasn't much of her. In fact, the thing that was the worst about the film was there were too many "main" characters and not enough for them all to do, so many just ended up being there as props and interesting scenery. The movie times listing said the movie was 2 hours, 24 minutes, but that's not right as the movie started at 7pm (15 minutes of previews with very little looking interesting among them) and we were walking out at 8:45pm. *shrugs* (Upon searching further, I've discovered no one exactly knows the running time: 107 minutes, 110 mins., 100 minutes, 112 mins. Oh well, I don't feel so bad now)

Today..ugh...today it poured again. And the lightning storms were so bad I had to shut my pc off for a number of hours this afternoon. The thunder shook the building over and over all day long. I talked to my mom (who's only like 20 minutes north of me) and it didn't rain a drop by her. It finally let up around dinner, but is right back to being a downpour outside again now. What stinks is that I've been wanting to go out to the beach since Solstice and every weekend when I say, ok, that's it! Tonight I am going out there....it pours and I can't. I know it's not helping my mood lately - I've been so bored and restless and disconnected - three things that are clear signs I need to get out and reconnect. *le sigh*

Made a couple necklaces today. One of them was just a redo of a design I had made and mailed to a friend as a gift but the other was a new design. I think it came out really cool. It's all purples and stuff. Aw hell, I got nothing pressing my time, I'm going to take a pic (not that the pics come out even a fraction of the quality of the peice - for that I need a scanner - but it'll give an idea anyway).

It's very purplely (though it looked pinkish in most of the pics I tried to take)

Anyway, that's about it I suppose.

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