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Sunday, June 01, 2003

Yesterday went to Busch Gardens yesterday since Friday night turned out to be a bust. Got there late (like 4pm) and stayed until close at 8pm. It wasn't as hot or as busy and it was a lot better then being there at like 1pm in the afternoon in the brutal heat of the day.

A really weird, don't laugh 'cause it's just a dream dream I had last night
I wasn't going to write about it or anything because it's quite silly really, but it's been stuck in my head and it seems that oftentimes the best way to get things unstuck is to just write them down. Last night (well technically this morning; I was in the middle of it when I was woken up by some fucking annoying car playing their bass so loud it was shaking my 2nd floor window) I had a weird dream. So, I'm like a vampire or something in a world that's a cross between the Buffyverse and Vampire: The Masquerade (I think, I've never played the game, but I watched the short-run series). Angel's there and he's like trying to help me out and guiding me around, helping me get through the first couple days; get the hang of it, that sorta thing. But, I'm not at all worried or anything, more like curious and interested. I get the feeling that even though I'm a vampire now, that it's not something that needs to be permanent; like I really am something else "mystical" and I'm just going along with this for the ride to experience it, but it's certainly no permanent condition for me. Angel doesn't know this, nor anyone else for that matter.

So we walk to this bar/building/club/deli (I don't know exactly what it was, it was kinda vague, but it seemed like it had a normal fuction, then also was a resource for vamps). On the way there, it's daytime (and I guess the rules are no direct sunlight, but walking in the shadows between buildings are fine) and I'm laughing at how annoying it must be to have to dart from shadow to shadow and I laugh about the weakness of it or somesuch. Angel just kinda looks at me weird, like I need to take this more seriously and I kinda shrug. We go in and Angel walks up to the counter and orders something (which I find out later is a couple pints of blood in brown paper bags and clear, deli containers). There's a couple others around and one's this kinda nerdy/geeky blond kid in glasses. Not really nerdy, but like...preppy maybe. He gives me a look-over and kinda gets this up-to-no-good look and comes over. He's got some others around him and I just know that he's some big bad leader/elder guy who runs things around that part of town or whatever. Angel comes over hurridly with the order and hands me one of the bags. I think there's some hasty, half-hearted introductions and I give the guy some look and then he tries to dominate me - like a will thing, he takes it for a given that he's going to be able to get me to come to him instead of leave and go with Angel. So, I'm standing there, just giving him a smile and he's starting to strain. I know what he's doing and finally, I say something to the effect of, I know what you're doing and it won't work still with the wicked grin on my face. He looks pissed but moreso amazed like some young, newbie could have the ability to resist him. I kinda wave and then head out with Angel.

We walk out into the alley and he starts warning me about the dangers of the guy and how that's not the kinda crowd I want to get in with. He mentions something about 7th level or generation, or something as in it being some ranking of his origins and that it's a pretty old/powerful thing. I know though what he doesn't and that's the fact I'm still way more then any of them imagine and the vampire thing isn't the true me.

He walks away and leaves me with the bag. I sit down on some steps and open it and take out the container. I open it up, sniff it, and think I might as well play the role to it's fullest and I take a swig. I remember in my dream thinking it tasted like red jello water (which actually didn't seem to make sense, but I remember it distinctly nonetheless). I put the lid back on and as I did, the guy came up to me. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I ended up going to his place or something with him because I had decided that I was going to have fun (read: toy with and destroy him because I could and it'd be fun to mess with someone who was supposed to be such a bad ass). At some point, he tries something again and I end up telling him what he's thinking and he looks at me even more curious. I can tell he wants to figure out my secrets and claim me for his to give him even more status and rank in his little community. I tell him I was born a telepath and that it wasn't a vampiric gift; that I had it before the change (he was wondering something about how I ended up harnessing such a power so quickly). He was amazed and enraptured with me. He saw me as a ticket to being even more dominant over the rest of the vampires. I then ended up teasing him like it was going to get sexual and I manuvered him to the bed and laid on top of him (still fully clothed), nuzzling at his neck. My fangs came in (in a buffy-esque fashion) and I then bit down on him and pinned him to the bed by the wrists and though he was some big bad-ass, and this old, strong, powerful guy, I had no problem keeping him there. I smiled as I drained him. I utterly enjoyed having him helpless and knowing I was so much more then this squirming, whimpering vampire beneath me.

(the car started to wake me up here so things got fuzzy and lost cohesion)

Next thing I know I was laughing and was with Angel and he was worried and I remember laughing and saying that he need not worry and would he like to go up a few ranks himself? (I meant that since I had fed from the blood of the leader guy, it made me go to a higher rank and that Angel could take some from me to make him higher as well). It was all a game to me and so I wasn't worried about the ramifications since I knew I wasn't going to need to stay a vampire.

(at this point the car woke me up fully and I lost the dream)

It was weird though. Rarely do my dreams have such oddball things to them like characters from tv shows and such weird themes. *shrugs* Like I said, it's kinda embarassing it's so silly, but it's stuck with me all day, so I thought I'd try to get it out of my head. Yeah, I know. I'm weird.

Today, we ran some errands Rand and my Love are waiting for me to join them to watch a episode of StarGate: SG1 (good show by the way) on dvd. Gotta run for now.

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