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Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Today, while it is the first day in seven straight days of horrible, non-stop rain, cloudy skies and dark, overcast condition that's a nice day out there, is also the day from hell for me. The second day of my monthly cycle has always been the worst. Today is this month's second day. A warm cup of tea, blaknets, still in my pj's, motrin (I'm out of Aleve which works best) and a Quantum Leap marathon on Sci-Fi (only one of my all-time most favorite shows) and I still feel as miserable as when I woke up. Cramps, back pain and overall soreness just assalt me today. I have no strength and I certainly don't feel like cleaning up the house which I had planned to do because it needs it. It's just going to have to wait until tomorrow. I'm too miserable today.

Apparently, pain is subjective to the person in question and a new study has proven that people do in fact experience different levels of pain from the exact same stimuli. The idea being that doctors need to take their patients seriously when they say that a medication isn't helping them, despite helping others in general. The person who's not helped might be actually experiencing greater pain because of their brain's response the others.
Pain that brings tears to one person's eyes may be barely noticed by someone else, and that can be a problem for doctors deciding on treatment. The answer: Listen to the patient, a new study says. Some people really do feel more pain than others.


I haven't even gone out to my mailbox in days because it's been flooding in our parking lot and a downpour for a week now. I want desperately to go and check it, but it seems too much effort to get dressed and then walk all the way over there. I am so sore. I hate this. And this is half of what it used to be before I was on my current pill. Prior to this I was actually under doctor orders to be on bedrest for the first three days of my periods. (In fact, for two years I was on the Federal Medical Leave Act [FMLA] that granted me the right to take off work under doctor orders as needed without risk of losing my job) So, you can imagine if it hurts so bad that I don't know if I could make it to the mailboxes now and it's half what it used to be, how bad it was in the past.

Gonna go snuggle up on the couch again, though I feel damned guilty when I look around the apartment at what a mess the place is. I just don't have the strength to get it done today. Somedays it sucks ass to be a woman. Today's one of those days.

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