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Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Aw, my Love's a sweetie. So yesterday he brings home uber yummy Olive Garden for me (even remembering to get the dipping sauce for the breadsticks) and some Aleve. Of course, I was still in a hell of a lot of pain and couldn't really eat because I didn't feel good and was feverish. I took some Aleve and laid down on the couch. He took me into the bedroom instead - so I wouldn't hurt my neck from laying on the couch's pilows, which would have happened - and let me sleep for a couple hours. While I slept, he cleaned the apartment so I wouldn't have to today. He's such a sweetheart.

Feeling a little better, though I'm still tired. I'd like to sleep more but my mom's on her way over and I have to hop in the shower - badly. Ick. Off to do that now.

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