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Thursday, June 26, 2003

Ack. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but darnit, I'm all stubborn and stuff and I was hoping it would sorta forget me the way I was trying to forget it. I'm speaking of course, of the new Dano system for Blogger. It's all different and stuff. And blue. Did I mention there's a lot of blue? Hrm... *stubbornly doesn't want change, not caring if it's better or not grumble grumble*

So, I'm obviously not dead. (Nor dying for that matter in any particular quickness then normal.) The massive evil that's the price of being female (read: good 'ole Aunt Flo) is waning and the pain and misery of Tuesday has left. Now I'm just dealing with the boring, be-done-already part. Ya know, when you feel better but you're still teathered to being near a restroom every couple hours? *lol*

And then, as I go to make my entry and blather about the oh-so-exciting items like my monthly cycle, I peek over at my journal stats and see a new refering link I hadn't heard of before:
26 Jun, Thu, 14:34:05 http://www.realityfuel.org/

...so of course, I have to click it. I'm like, oh crap, what's someone saying about me now.... Turns out, they ARE talking about me - but for once, it's not a bad thing. My gods, it's not a bad thing *falls down and weeps* (ok, not really, but I'm dragging out the dramatic moment here, ok?)

Rawk! *dances around a bit*

So cool. They like me, they really like me! (alright, I'll stop. But I'm damned chipper so the bad jokes come with it) I'm chatting with a friend as I write this and he says I'll be famous now. And he gave his advice on what to do when you become famous:
him:You need to become really famous...and then change your name right before you really really get famous...to something like "farty mcCrablice".... then laugh as people cheer for you and say your name on the news and MTV and such... at least, that's what I'll do if I ever am about to be famous.

me: you are a strange one. It's probably why I like ya.

him: Oh come on... like it wouldn't rule if you changed your name to "Farty McCrablice" and then cured cancer... and for thousands of years while your cure saved people's lives they'd be saying, "Thank God for Farty McCrablice!"

Yeah, I have strange friends.

Let's see, what else...? Oh yeah! The car is legal! Whoo hoo. Got paid today for the database work I did for Rand's mom and called up, got insurance over the phone (downpayment of only $158 - good deal) and paid my registration online and printed out my receipt. Yippie! My car is legal to drive in the state of Florida again! *happy happy joy joy* I think this is the first time pretty much all year we've had both insurance and active registration at the same time. (sad but true) The registration itself expired on my birthday (May 16th) but I coudn't renew it until I got us another insurance policy. The last one ran out and I didn't renew it and I've not had the downpayment cash to get started again. So.......no more fear of cops on the road (unless I guess I'm doing something stupid like speeding) until next year.

La la la...I think that's all I was going to write about. I dunno. I have laundry to do and I keep getting up and going away from my pc for a moment. That's probably why this entry is so very random and fractured. *shrugs* Oh well. Sorry. I'm out for now.

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