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Thursday, May 22, 2003

Whew...well, I got behind and after spending a couple hours formatting photos and such, I'm ready for a really freakin' huge entry to catch up. :)

New Photos!
Ok, so I had a birthday party at the local park with my family the day before my birthday. The park is quite lovely and I took a lot of photos which I've narrowed down to the following gallery. Some is me and my family, some is the pretty scenery:
Birthday In the Park

Then, the day after my birthday, I went with my friend Rand and my Love to Busch Gardens and I took a ton of animal pictures there as well. This is pretty much all animals and scenery (some really cute pics though):
Birthday Trip to Busch Gardens

Funny Photos
I had taken the following two pics about a month ago, but just never got around to uploading them. So, here's my two funny photos just because:

click for larger image

this person has a chimney sweep service with legs coming out of their roof!
The oddest thing I thought is that if you look closely, you can see under the legs, there's a 9/11 tribute. Seems a little...almost wrong doesn't it?

see, this I find amusing because it was on the demo pc at Office Depot.

Good News!
My friend Rand is buying his very first house! Go Rand! I got a chance to see the inside the other day on the home inspection and it looks great. (He just needs to paint the sea-foam green wall that the elderly couple have made the sitting room color. *lol*) Everything's coming along smashing with inspection and everything, so this summer, he'll be in his very own home! Congrats!

click for larger image

The Boob Tube
Well, I for one was sad to see Buffy end. And not only did it end, the last episode was only an hour like normal (come on, even lame-ass "Dawson's Creek" got two hours!) but it was a crappy ending. They're standing around saying, "Uh, now what?" and credits. Grr. Lame, lame and more lame. Totally didn't do the series any credit whatsoever. I know a lot of people never got past the cheesy title or premise, but their loss; it really was a good show. I'm sad it's over and even sadder it went out with such a dull ending. Oh well...

Life, In a Nutshell
Been doing ok. Had another really bad migraine the other night that sent me off to lay down at like 10:30pm with a Migraine Ice on my head. (Very strongly recommended for those who also get migraines and find cold treatments help. Unlike normal ice which stops feeling cold after 30 seconds, these stay just-at-the-edge-of-being-too-cold for a good hour or two).

Today marks one month since I had to put Kush-ka to sleep and I miss him as much as ever. I was crying the other day as I uploaded the pictures off my digital camera. The last photos I took of him from April 22nd are still on the memory card as I just can't bring myself to delete them. (They're on my pc already, but I just don't want to remove them from the camera because I get so sad thinking I'll never be able to take another photo of him). There's something symbolic I guess about removing the photos that I'm just not ready for yet. Sounds so stupid I think, but I miss him and I'm tearing up just thinking about him being gone. It's strange, it both feels like he's been gone for years at the same time it feels like he's been gone for hours.

Mika's been keeping me on my toes however. She's a crazy girl. So very different then Kush in so many ways, but still a sweetheart. She's wild where he was calm and hyper where he was sedate. She nips at my legs all the time (oh, she's such a biter!) and last night slept on the bed curled up at my feet. She's a good kitty, it's just so strange sometimes because she's just such her own little person.

Well, I think that's it for now. I know there was more I was going to talk about, but I've already been sitting here at the pc for the last couple hours getting the photos all done and such and my neck's starting to get realy sore. Need to get up and roam about somewhere else for a bit I think. Maybe I'll go check my mail and drop the latest items I'm sending out for postcardx in the box. I look forward to my mail these days since px is an active site and I generally get something nice at least once or twice a week. :)

More if I think about it.

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