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Saturday, May 24, 2003

Today we have my mom's husband's daughter's wedding to attend. (yeah, technically that makes her my "step-sister" but please don't call her that.) I never liked her when my mom decided to move in with him a year after her divorce. She was in and out of JD, mental health services (for her destructive behavior), had pregnancy scare at 15 with a guy who was more then twice her age...etc. etc. etc. And I used to always get yelled at for the most asinine things as I was in Honors classes in High School, on the Honor Roll, working two part-time jobs and all that related because my bedroom was messy or something stupid. Who cares if my room is messy, I'm not out drinking, doing drugs and sleeping with 35 year olds, leave me alone! *shrugs* I hated that she got away with doing everything utterly wrong, never getting in trouble for it, but damned if I forgot to empty out the bathroom trash. Puh-lease.

So....flash forward like eight years and here we are. I really haven't seen her more then an hour total in the six-odd years since I moved out. She never shows up to holidays or family events and, eh, doesn't really phase me either way. My mom says she's grown up quite a bit and that she's leveled out, but you know, being the worst kind of white trash has to leave it's imprints on you. Though I've gotten along better with my mom's husband the last few years - he's mellowed out a bit too - and he really wanted my sister and I to be there as "family" for the event. I agreed because I kinda felt like it was the least I could do for my mom and him.

Though we don't have a lot of cash on hand and we had to run out and get them something yesterday. (Note I've never even met her husband-to-be yet, though I know his name from the invitation. *lol*) I also didn't have anything to wear so we ran over to Marshells and got them a neat clock and me a shirt (that I didn't have time to try on as it was late) that I only kinda like because it makes me look totally fat. (And seeing how I know I'm not fat, it just means the shirt is uber baggy and badly cut, making me seem really wide). So....gift is done, but I'm still not sure what I'm wearing and, well, the wedding's in about three hours. I really hate weddings.

So that's that. And I'm off to go shower and get ready and hopefully I can figure out something to wear to this thing. ttfn

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